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[3 months later]

The past three months were amazing. Will and Mike were as happy as ever. They went on many double dates with Eleven and Max and whenever they hung out in a group, Lucas and Dustin would complain about 'fifth wheeling.' However, Dustin had a massive crush on the new girl in class, named Suzie. Lucas had yet to find someone.

Tonight, Mike was going to take Will on a picnic. Will was excited. He loved picnics and to him they were just so romantic. Currently, he was with Max and Eleven and they were helping him pick out something to wear.

"Maybe these jeans and that blue top?"

"Or these shorts and the red button up."

"It's Winter, Max."


"He'll freeze!"

"Fine, how about with the black skinny jeans?"


Will sighed and laughed at the two girls arguing over his outfit. It was hilarious. Eleven looked at him and stuck her tongue out, childishly.

"Go put it on, we want to see!" Max smirked and threw the clothes at him, earning a playful glare from the boy. 

Will stood and quickly walked into the bathroom. He changed an stared at himself in the mirror. He bit his lip in anxiousness.

'What would Mike think? I look fat don't I? I can't compare to Mike...he's beautiful,' Will wondered. He sighed.

"Will?" Max's voice came through the door with a soft knock, "Come on, we want to see."

Will opened the door. El squealed in excitement making the boy blush profusely.

"You look perfect, Will! Mike is going to fall at your feet, begging to fuck y-" Max was quickly cut off by Eleven's hand covering her mouth.

"And that's enough from you. Come on, I want to do your hair!" She smiled, sweetly.

"I- ok," Will gave in.


"I look fine right?"

"Yes, Mike," Lucas groaned for the final time. He flopped back onto his best friend's bed. He was fed up because the last hour had a been a constant change of clothing and Mike asking the same questions, 'I look fine right? Do I look okay? Will he like this?'

"I don't know, Luc-"

"Oh, for fucks sake, Mike! Will loves you no matter what you wear. He's your boyfriend goddamit," Lucas shouted, getting up from Mike's bed. Mike smiled at the word 'boyfriend.' He loved calling Will his boyfriend; it was like the last piece in the puzzle.

"Alright! Alright!" Mike chuckled, he checked the clock hung on his bedroom wall, "Shit! I'm going to be late!"

"We'll hurry the fuck put then!"

"Shut up!"

"It's not my fault!"

Mike stuck his tongue out before sprinting out of his house and into Nancy's car; yes that's right, he was finally driving. He started the car and waved to Lucas who was coming out of the house. Lucas just chuckled as his best friend drove off.


Mike finally arrived at his boyfriend's house. He took on final, deep breath and stepped out of the car. Walking up the driveway, his palms became sweaty and his breathing quickened.

You may be wondering why they were both so nervous for this particular date. No Mike was not proposing but he was going to give Will a promise ring as a promise that, in the near future, he will marry him. Oh, and he was going to say the L word to him.

Saying the L word was big deal for the both of them since this was Will's first ever real relationship and those was Mike's first relationship with a boy. It was just very nerve racking with the thought that other one would not say it back.

Mike was finally at the door so he knocked quickly. A few seconds later, he heard talking from behind the door that sounded like Will and Jonathan.

"No let me get it!"

"He's my boyfriend, Jonathan!"

"Yeah but your my little brother, I have to make sure he's good for you."

"We've been dated the past three months now piss off."

Obviously Will won since when the door opened, Mike was blessed with his boyfriend's beautiful face.


"Hi." Will giggled before turning to whoever was in the kitchen and saying 'bye.' He walked a forward, closing the door behind him.

"Let's go," Mike smiled at his boyfriend and intertwined their fingers, pulling him towards the car.


"Mike- woah."

Mike uncovered Will's eyes from behind him. They opened to see a beautiful lake side, rocky and sandy beach with a small decline leading into the water. The sun was beginning to set behind the tree as the colours reflected off the crystal clear waters. To Will's surprise, he saw an amazingly set-up picnic (it was extremely cute). Fairy lights were laid on the floor next to a baby blue blanket and a wicker basket stuffed to the brim with food.

"This is amazing, Mike," Will blushed when Mike wrapped his arms around his shoulders.

"Anything for you, baby," Mike smiled and kissed Will's lips once he turned around, "Nancy helped me."

Will laughed and pulled them towards the blanket.

"Oh my god! A Polaroid camera?" Will smiled excitedly as the small the gadget. He daintily picked it and looked through the lens.

"Come here," Will smiled. Once Mike he walked over, the taller boy stood behind him and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's slim waist. He kissed his cheek as Will smiled at the camera and took the picture; a perfect sun set in the back.

"I love you, Will."

"I love you too."

The end


That is the end of my first ever book! How was is it? Did you enjoy? Please comment your thoughts and if you liked it please vote. Also thank you so much for 200 reads thats amazing! :)
Love you all and hope you have a great rest of your day/afternoon/evening/night.

Until the next tale my friends!

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