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"I don't know how you forgive me, Will," Mike sniffled as he pulled away from the smaller boy. They sat closely together on the bed.

"You may have meant it then because you didn't know who you really were...you only knew what was 'right' according to society. I know you're probably confused now what exactly is your sexuality but I'll help you..." Will smiled at Mike, sweetly, "But...you fuck up again and I'm gone. I'll convince my mum to move back to Portland." Mike wiped his cheeks, nodding furiously. Will giggled and pulled him into a kiss.

At first it was sweet and loving; soft and beautiful. Slowly it became a rough kiss. Mike snaked his arms around Will's slim waist as Will gripped at Mike's shoulder then hair, earning a soft groan from the older boy.

Will pulled away a giggled, "Hair-pulling?Seriously?" Mike blushed and scrunched his nose pretending to be mad. He stuffed his face in Will's neck. Will laughed softly as Mike kissed his neck softly, up and down. He gripped Mike's hair again and making the older boy whine quietly. Will laughed once more. Mike put his hands on Will's hips and pulled away.

"You're so beautiful," Mike whispered, smiling and admiring the boy's soft face making Will blush greatly. Now it was Will's turn to bury his face in Mike's chest. Mike chuckled and grabbed Will's hands and intertwined their fingers; Mike's hands enclosing Will's dainty ones.

Will wrapped his legs around Mike's waist as moved to sit in his lap. He giggled kissed Mike's cheeks. Mike suddenly let go of Will's hands and grabbed his waist pulling him forward so they fell on the bed together. They laughed along with each other as Will stuffed his face in the black-haired boys neck.


"Will, I think I like both, so what's that?"

Mike and Will were up late that night just talking and laughing quietly. They were cuddled under the blankets together.

"That's bisexual, love," Will smiled at his cluelessness. Will could finally admit to himself he...loved Mike. And Mike was quickly admitting that to himself too.

"Why did I ever hurt you?" Mike whispered to no one in particular, "I'll never be able to apologise enough..."

Will sat up and stared at Mike before saying, "Listen, what you said was mistake. We both know that so stop apologising."Will smiled sadly at him and leaned down to kiss him.

"We need to go on a date," Mike said after Will pulled away and laid back next to him.

"But- what will people say?" Will pouted, "I know I shouldn't care but it's still...nerve-racking."

"Well, we could go to the mall and then go bowling...after that me and you will either go in the back or the toilet and we can make out in there," Mike smirked as Will's ears and cheeks turned pink.

"Ok fine, tomorrow?"



The next day, they told their parents they were just hanging out at the mall. The decided against going bowling and just stayed at the mall. First, they went to watch the new "Batman" movie. Then they went to get ice cream and currently they are in the gap.

Will picked up a hoodie that was half blue and half black with a thin white line spreading the colours. He checked the price and smiled when he saw it wasn't too expensive. He also picked up a pair of black, baggy, ripped jeans.

"Mike?" He stood on his tiptoes; trying to see over the rack where the boy stood.

"Yes, babe?" He said not looking away from the T-shirt he was looking at.

"I want to go try something on, will you come wait for me?" He asked shyly, softly biting his lip.

"Of course," the black-haired boy looked up and smiled.

Will smiled back and he lead them towards the dressing rooms. Mike waited on the empty bench outside Will's changing room.

After only a few minutes, Will came out. Mike thought he looking amazing. The hoodie was slightly big on his slim figure but the jeans hugged him so perfectly.

"Woah," Mike gaped. Will blushed greatly.

Mike stood up and grabbed the smaller boy's wrist and pulled him the dressing room. Gently, he pushed Will against it and leant down.

"You look beautiful, baby," he whispered lowly. Will was now bright red. This side of Mike was new; a slightly possessive, caring and kinda hot... Will would be lying if he said he didn't like it.

Will bit his bottom lip once more before Mike softly placed his own onto the brunette's. Will pushed back into the kiss with just as sweetly. It was a hungry but loving kiss. Mike swiftly slipped his tongue between Will's lips and explored the boys mouth.

Will made a small noise of surprise. Mike easily pinned his hips to the wall. Will grabbed at Mike's bicep and side of his neck.Reluctantly, Mike pulled away leaving Will gasping for air.

"Let's not ruin your outfit," he smirked and left the small room - proud he actually kept the promise from last night.

The younger boy was left all hot and bothered, alone in the small room.Will smiled as the redness creeped onto his face, he slid down the wall, smiling like an idiot. Slowly, he was realising he was truly in love with Mike Wheeler.


Just a cute, fluffy chapter. I honestly really liked this and I hope you did too!
Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote!

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