Will was forced to stay on a pull out bed in Mike's room - which was bad enough. It looked old and uncomfortable, he grimaced. It smelt of rust and old people. He reluctantly pulled back the bed sheets, readying himself for a rough night.


Will screamed and jumped which lead him to fall on his arse. Mike went over to help and he saw what Will was scared of; a tiny, dead spider. Mike chuckled and picked up one of Will's crutches for him. Will scowled and whispered a small 'shut up' but he couldn't help smiling slightly.


That night was awful. The pathetic excuse for a bed was creaking and squeaking whenever he turned. Will huffed and groaned slightly. His foot was hurting too and he need to itch it. He whined quietly.

"Will. Stop. Moving."

A groggy voice came across from the other side of the room. Will turned over in his bed, sighing contently knowing Will would be slightly pissed - he was right. The younger boy huffed and tried to get comfortable.

"Ugh," he pouted and crossed his arms, if it weren't so dark, it'd be really cute to see. Will looked over to Mike sleeping peacefully on his soft, fluffy bed; envying his comfiness.

"Fine, Will," Mike sighed. He sat up and moved to the left, to create more room for Will. The smaller boy was confused at first but he took the hint.

"No, I'm not s-sleeping next to you." Will got slightly flustered.

"Will, you're uncomfortable...please."

After a minutes of silence Mike spoke again, knowing his next word would piss of the younger boy.


"Don't call me that," Will narrowed his eyes as he sat up. He grabbed one of the crutches and stood up, wobbling slightly. Mike stifled a laugh. Will shook his head sat on the bed, slowly laying down.

Mike thought he and Will were slowly becoming friends again but he stood corrected when Will spoke coldly, "I still hate you - don't forget that."


The next morning was quiet at the dining table. Will was still in bed; his ankle was throbbing in pain. Mike's mind was running with what Will said last night, 'I still hate you...' Mike sighed sadly.

"Something wrong, Mike?" Joyce asked, softly. She smiled at the boy kindly - before the move, she was like his second mother.


Mike was interrupted by frantic knocking on the front door. Mike got up to answer it but before he could touch the door handle, the door swung open with such force. Mike was whacked in the face by the wooden door - hard.

"Where's Will?" Asked an excited voice, Mike looked up and saw Max stood with Lucas and Dustin.

"What the fuck?!" Mike shouted angrily, holding his nose and standing up. He checked if his nose was bleeding but luckily it was just slightly red.

"Mike fuck off, now where's my b-"

"What's with the shouting?" Will suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs. He tumbled his eyes tiredly, dressed in an oversized hoodie and shorts with his hair all over.

'He looks adorable..." Mike thought, smiling. 'Wait what? No. No! He was your best friend.' Mike shook his head and went over to where Max was basically suffocating Will in a hug. The smaller tapped her shoulder, notifying her he couldn't breathe.

"Sorry, Will," she smiled and moved so Lucas and Dustin could hug him.

"Byers!" They said simultaneously, bringing him into a group him. Will laughed lightly and hugged them both tightly the best he could he with only one arm - the other occupied with holding him up.

Once they pulled away, Dustin and Lucas began bickering straight away; something about who was telling which story. Will just laughed at his old friends.

Mike smiled at Will but the younger boy only scowled and walked into the main room.


"...and Troy just left."

Dustin had just finished his story and Will was practically pissing himself laughing.

They sat in, some sort of, circle; talking about what Will has missed and then Will talking about California. It was fun sharing stories.

"You never told us about your ankle," Lucas brought up, still smiling from Dustin's last story.

Will's smile dropped slightly. He looked down until he felt a comforting hand on his shoulder. He looked up to his right to see Max smiling at him, supportingly.

He sighed and began telling them about the seniors and the Bill saving him. Will smiled at the thought of Bill and looked at the rainbow bracelet on his pale wrist. He thought about yesterday and his smiled drooped but he looked up and starting rambling again. Then he trailed off and started talking about the Losers club and hanging out with Bill so much. He also let slip he kissed him.

"Wait! You and Bill kissed?" Max squealed in excitement. She jumped up and down in her seat before ready her arm on her knee and said, "tell me more."

"Shit- w-we didn't ki-iss, n-no-" He was worried about Lucas and Dustin not accepting him but one of them cut him off.

"It's okay, Will," he spoke softly, "We accept you." Smiling at him, like Will was the younger brother he never had. Will smile back and Dustin grinned, showing his new teeth, as well.

"So, tell us more about Bill..."


Mike was listening to the conversation the four were having, trying his best to stay hidden. He was pressed against the wall as flat as possible. When his dad, Ted, walked past he gave a confused look to Mike but his son just shook his head.

Suddenly, one sentence - said by Will caught his attention.

"And then we kissed..."

Mike stopped listening immediately. His jaw was basically in the ground and his eyes were popping out his skull. 'He kissed someone?!' He thought, 'did they...ya'know? Oh stop thinking that!' Mike shook his head.

He ran up to his room and shut the door, loudly.

"Why is this bothering me so much?" He asked  himself quietly but out loud.

I have plans for this book but I am going back to school next week so updates may be slower :(
Thanks for reading and don't be a silent reader! I love feedback

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