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{Time skip to December 19}

"I-I wish you didn't ha-have to go-o..."

The last two weeks felt like the best two weeks in Will's life. He had finally met Bill's friends; Eddie Kaspbrak, Ben Hanscom, Richie Tozier, Stan Uris, Beverly Marsh and Mike Hanlon, or the Loser's club. Will was the perfect edition to the club.

Will and Bill had become closer then ever. A lot of the student thought they were dating but since they're both boys, that would be greatly looked down upon. Both of the boys believed that nothing was wrong with two boys loving one another. They even kissed once since Will was confused about his sexuality and his feelings for Bill... he had the smallest crush on the stuttering boy (Bill had already found out he was bisexual).

"I'll miss you so much, B," Will pulled away from the hug, smiling with tears in his eyes. Since their names rhymed it was weird to say so they started with the infamous nicknames; B (Bill) and Dubs - Short for W (Will).

"Will, honey..."

Will turned at the sound of his mother's voice. Bill kept his arms wrapped around Will's waist, as Joyce smiled sadly at the two. Bill nuzzled into Will's hair - he no longer had the bowl cut, thank god - sniffing his sweet scent. Will turned back 'round and rested his forehead on Bill's chest.

"H-here," Bill said as Will lifted his head, "I b-bought the-ese bracelet-s for u-us." He pulled two rainbow bracelets from his hoodie pocket. Will smiled and took one, placing it in Bill's wrist before he did the same for Will.

Bill smiled at Will before pulling off his hoodie, "Ha-ave this... and w-when it doesn't sm-smell like me a-anymore, I'll se-nd you a diff-rent one." A tear fell down Bill's cheek as he smiled sadly, Will reached up to wipe it away.

"You'll be cold," Will chuckled and Bill did the same. They held each other's hand, intertwining their fingers.

"Will," Joyce said more firmly. Bill pulled him into a another hug. As they pulled away, Will swore he heard Bill whisper 'I love you.' Bill helped Will walk over the car - well, limp to the car - before helping him inside. Will kissed him lightly on the cheek and he shut the door.

As the car drove away, Will broke down into tears. Sobbing hysterically, with tears scarring his cheeks. They'd only known each other for two weeks... but he was falling for the boy.


Mike huffed as he stared at himself on the mirror. His mother had basically forced him in an ugly Christmas sweater. He grimaced looking at the bad details and the cheesy decorations. It was probably the most ugly thing he'd ever seen.

The last two weeks were...okay - the break up still affected him but not as much. He didn't wear black as much and his cheery attitude was slowly but surely returning.

Mike, Dustin and Lucas were always talking and going to the Starcourt Mall whenever they had the chance. Mike even got closer to Steve and Robin. Steve had dated broken up with MANY girls since he started working in the blockbuster movie store. Unlike Mike however, he got over them quick.

"Mike!" He heard Karen shout, "They'll be hear soon!" Mike groaned and rubbed his eyes roughly. He was dreading this moment. He didn't want to see him especially after what they said to each other.

He sighed and trudged down the stairs, leaning against the frame of the last step. His little sister, Hollie, giggled at Mike's ugly jumper and ran to Nancy's side. Nancy was so excited to see her boyfriend.

As Mike heard the loud noise of a car horn, he rolled his eyes. He crossed over his arms and sighed once again as he heard Nancy squealing along with Karen and Joyce chatting loudly.

They all entered the house and finally... so did Will. The boy was still scrawny and small in height, though his hair had changed and his features were more defined. It was obvious he had been beaten up pretty bad; the remainders of a black eye and crutches with a heavy cast. Her wore a dark maroon hoodie and black jeans, with dirty converse.

"Will come say hi!" Joyce shouted from the kitchen, before going into the other room. He finally looked up at Mike.

His eyes were red and clear tear tracks shimmed in the day light. The pain in his eyes was almost unbearable; it radiated off of the boy leaving a dark atmosphere around him. Will smirked as he saw Mike's disgusting sweater but it was quick to turn into a scowl. Mike became sad as he watched Will waddle into the kitchen.

A few hours later, the two families were sat down at the dining table. Will kept his head down the entire time, only answering when necessary. Mike sighed and sat his fork down, letting a clanging sound echo in the room.

"May I go to my room?" He asked, trying to sound polite but it sounded more bored then anything. Karen sighed and nodded. Just as Mike was leaving the room, his mom stopped him.

"Mike take Will with you, please," she asked calmly as if she hadn't a clue of the argument they had a couple of years ago. Mike shut his eyes and took a deep breath and turned; plastering the fakest smile on his face.

"Of course," he turned his gaze to Will and the boy was pale. Will hesitantly set his cutlery down and got up.

The silence was awkward and uncomfortable. The boys didn't dare break it. As they climbed the stairs, Will stumbled and - by 'pure' instinct' - Mike pulled him into his chest.

Mike thought Will would get flustered or something but instead he pushed Mike away and scowled at him again. Quickly, he grabbed the crutches and made his way upstairs and into Mike's room, leaving Mike on the stairs.

Mike stood by himself on the stairs - regretting every word he said that day.


Don't worry, the argument is on its way ;)
Thanks for reading!

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