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As the movie came to a close, the doorbell to the house, rang loudly. Will was about to stand but Karen beat him to it. As Karen reached the front door, however, she realised that it was for Will. She called his name and a minute later he was at the front door.

"Who is-" Will stopped in his tracks.

"...BILL!" Will jumped into his arms (careful of his ankle). He nuzzled his head into the taller boys neck. Will felt Bill smile.

"W-what- what are you doing here?!" Will asked, as he climbed off him. Will was happy to see him although he was very confused.

Bill smiled and said, "w-well, I know it's only be-been a week and bef-fore you told me-me you were moving-g, I wanted to sp-spend Christmas with y-you.."

Will smiled and pulled him inside by his hand. Soon they were stood in front of both families, introducing Bill to them.

Will had caught Mike's eyes a few times and Will could tell he was making the older boy he decided to have fun with that.

"When will Lucas and the rest be here? I want to introduce them to my best friend!" Will was being over enthusiastic on purpose - just to piss off Mike.


"So you are the ever infamous Bill Denbrough," Max smirked at Bill before playfully winking towards Will, "listen hurt even the smallest-"

"Max we're just friends," he said before she could say anything else. Max smiled and walked towards him.

"I though you two were-"

"No," Will said, "just friends..."

Max squinted her eyes at him and said, "does have anything to with your crush on M-"

"No!" Will shouted, however, the pink blush on Will's cheeks said different.

Max sighed at her best friend and looked over to where Mike was sat, glaring at Bill instead of listening to Dustin's rambling, "I can't tell you who to love and who not to but you know what he put you through..."

Will just nodded glumly before going back over to Bill.


At the moment, the seven teens were sat playing truth or dare in Mike's basement. Mike wasn't happy but he joined in reluctantly.

Will been all over Bill just to piss off Mike that touch more. Mike was ready to break.

"Ok so..." Lucas looked around the circle and pointed at Will, "Truth or Dare, William."

Will glared at him for the use of his full name but chose 'dare' - like the dare-devil he isn't.

"I dare you to kiss Bill."

Will's eyes widened at the sentence. He looked over to Bill and he was just biting his lip and smiling.

Mike stiffened. He did not want to see this.
It was the last thing he wanted to see.

"I think we're do-" Mike began but Lucas swiftly cut him off.

"Micheal we've only just begun," Lucas grinned at him.

Will turned to Bill and their lips soon clashed together. Like the first kiss, neither of them felt anything.

They pulled away and Will discreetly wiped his lips.

"Ugh," Mike rolled his eyes. The group turned to him as he had a disgusted look on his face.

Will was fed up. He glared and said, "Why do you have to be such a dick?"

Mike shook his head and snapped back, "Well I wouldn't kiss my so called best friend." He sarcastically said 'best friend' and scowled.

"Like u won't kiss Lucas," he exclaimed, "that's gross." Mike had me at its be weird to kiss your best friend but Will had taken it very differently.

"Plus, Bill isn't that good looking so why would you date him?" Mike said curly, turning from Will. Bill looked hurt and upset. Will put a hand on Bill's shoulder to comfort him.

"This will just end up like the fight we had and I can't go through that again..." Will's anger levels were quickly rising as his mind ran over the argument so many times. He stood up, limping slightly - still getting used to not having crutches.

Mike immediately felt bad and followed him, he tried to apologise but Will wasn't listening.

"You ruin everything Mike!" Will screamed at him, his anger finally getting the best of him, "We were slowly becoming friends again but then you have to go and be an asshole to him!"

"That's not my fault I don't-"

"But you could try, Mike..." Will had defeat in his eyes, "like how you didn't try for our friendship."

Will turned walked down the drive, limping slightly because of his ankle. The rain started pouring; reflecting the mood of both boys.

Mike walked close behind with the younger boy. He place a gentle hand on Will's shoulder.

"Will!" Mike pleaded, "Just listen-"

"No! You listen, Mike!" The black-haired boy was cut off by a furious Will, "I came here for you!"

" Only for you, Mike..." Will has tears formed in his eyes, ready to fall, "I wanted to fix our friendship so we could be best friends again like before I left! I really wish I could sit and tell jokes with you and watch movies all night and then go shopping and bug Steve..." Will got right up in Mike's face, painful tears streaming down as his face as he shouted at the boy he once called his best friend, "but no. I'm obviously too much of a faggot to be friends with Micheal Wheel-."

Mike smashed his lips against Will's. All the anger, sadness, regret, betrayal and guilt from both boys fell into this one kiss; every emotion they ever felt for each other, every tear, every smile and every laugh.

Mike slowly wrapped his arms around the smaller boy's thin waist as Will wrapped his arms around the slightly older boy's neck. They pulled each other closer - if possible - loving the feeling they finally got to experience. All this time of being just friends, the tension between the two broke.

After a minute, although it seemed like an hour, they pulled away. Will blushed as he saw Mike smirk at I'm but he soon realised what had just happened.

He pushed Mike away from him with a look of disgust on his face.

"How dare you?!" He screamed, "After all that time I finally healed myself by finding new friends, you just come and destroy my progress!"

Mike's smirk dropped.

"You know what that word does to me especially since my dad and the abuse I went through... you had the audacity to call me it, not talk to me for two years and then kiss me?!" Will cried. Tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Will, I'm so so sorry. I shouldn't have said that and-"

"But you did did."

Will turned and walked further down the street. Mike didn't follow knowing he'd only get shouted at more. He needed to leave Will alone for a while - so they can both think of how to get out of this mess so they could finally be happy...


I couldn't wait to post it so here!
Honestly, I love this chapter. And we finally what Mike said to Will. Hope you like it.
Thanks for reading! Forget to vote and comment :)


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