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Like any normal school day, Finn got ready. He packed his unfinished homework and a messy jam/jelly sandwich. A random thought popped in his head and said, we're not going school today, so he didn't. He ripped up his homework and ate his jam/jelly sandwich, he scrolled on his phone for a few minutes and when he got bored of that, went to his music room and played some drums. He wasn't feeling down or annoyed, he just decided he had the right to not get an education anymore.

Millie was nervously biting off her fingernails, Finn would've shown up by now. Maybe he was in one of his 'fits'. After the bell rang, she walked with Sadie to class.
"Do you know what you're wearing for Joseph's party tomorrow?" Millie ignored her and listen to her own thoughts instead. "Are you even listening?" She sighed.
"I have detention."
"The party is at seven, you'll be out by then right?"
"I don't go to parties like that anyways. Nobody knows me and I'll just get bullied."
"That's why I'm coming with you!" Sadie looked at her. "Oh please Millie, it'll be fun! I can't believe that we're even invited to this party in the first place!"
"Yeah, so what if it's set up?"
"Oh don't be daft! It's a party that everyone is going to! Look, come over to my house at four, I'll let you borrow one of my dresses."
"You know I don't do dresses."
"You don't do dresses but you look great in them!" Millie sighed and stopped by her locker. "You can even invite Finn. Just till he waits when he sees you in your party dress," she winked. Millie slammed the locker door short and continued to walk.
"Finn and I aren't dating. He's daft and lanky." It hurt her making up rude stuff about him, but she was too embarrassed to admit anything.

The phone's ringtone echoed throughout the house. The second time it dialled, Finn picked it up.
"Hello, this is Wolfhard speaking," Finn said in his poshest accent.
"For goodness sake Finn! Why is the school calling me up- in the middle of a meeting!- to say, your not in school?! Finn, I trust you to have your own apartment and still go to school every weekday! Do you know you can go to court if you don't go to school?! Finn- for goodness sake, you'll end up in a care home again! Back in Canada if you're lucky." He sighed. "They might be looking at court dates to see when they can look at you, Finn."
"But don't you have to not show up to school a certain amount of times till they call you up to court?"
"Yes but, looking at you with no guardian or career to look after you they want to look at your case straight away. Tomorrow straight away. Finn, we have to get you a lawyer. There is a big chance you'll be going to a care home. And you know what care homes are like Finn! That's the last thing I would want for you." He sighed reflecting upon what his stupid mistakes got him into. He could hear him talking with someone on the phone and you could hear him getting frustrated. After what felt like hours, Charlie spoke again. "Finn. They want to bring you in next week. Meaning, you're moving into a care home, today, Just until they work something out. Oh gosh." Charlie sighed. "I-I'll call you later." Then he hung up the phone.

Charlie came soon after to pick him up and the only things Finn could bring was his clothes. Most of his stuff was left there like, his instruments or presents and cards, the most he ever brought was his phone.
"I messed it up, didn't I Charlie?" Finn said while they walked to the car, but all Charlie could do was sigh and turn away.

They were waiting at the doorstep after arriving and the place was already giving off bad vibes. Not because of the outside -no the outside was lovely; It was curved and blue with windows placed everywhere, the front garden was green and cut freshly, it was the inside that gave bad vibes and the sad bit was, they weren't even in the inside. They could hear someone a little girl crying and screaming with an older voice shouting, though It was all muffled so they really couldn't hear what was being said.
An older woman, roughly in her kids 40's opened the door. Her hair was mid-lengthened, blonde and brown. Her eyes were droopy and a sharp blue. She opened the door wide enough for them to come in and beckoned them. Kids stared from the top of the staircase, 7 to at least 16 years he could see, but mostly it was the little kids staring. The floors were a wooden beige and covered in grey dust so were the stairs rug. A blue wall trim covered half the walls all round to the living and kitchen also upstairs in the halls.
"I'm Esma and this is Ashdene Ridge. Kids will introduce themself and I think you'll fit right in, Finn." They followed Esma as they went in and out of rooms, she didn't even face them to give them a short smile, she was always doing something while talking. Then Charlie and Esma had to go explain what Finn got himself into and other things, while Finn went to unpack.

While all the other kids had gone upstairs, a girl, maybe the age of thirteen sat there. Her skin was dark and ebony and her curly pattern of her was put in two braids. White earrings glistened from her ears brightly.
"I'll show you to your new room." The girl stood up and they walked through the halls until the reached a door with ripped off stickers and scratched off pieces of the door. She opened the door for him and the room was pretty simple. Walls were bare, walls stripped, one bed, a desk and a small dresser, the room still had space to move around but it was still filled up by furniture.
"Make yourself at home." She bit her lip again to the point it was red and sore, it was a habit of hers, so much she hadn't noticed she was harming herself. "This room used to be a boy called William, but he left after he turned eighteen." She sighed, leaning on the door.
"You say it as if it's a bad thing. Did anything bad happen?" He put the suitcases on the bed and turned round to listen to her.
"He gambles and does drugs. Happened to a boy called Alex as well. Happens to all the boys who think they have no future." She stared down at the floor deeply for a second before looking up at Finn again. "I'm Talia, but people call me Tal or Tali."
"You've already heard my name." Finn had pretty much finished unpacking in silence, it only took him a few minutes anyways.
"Aren't you gonna put stuff up?"
"Don't worry, I'm not staying here long. A week or two." After, an argument broke out through the very thin walls.
"Sorry about the noise," she laughed awkwardly. "You have a room next to Liam and Benjamin, they argue all the time. Always getting the place in trouble." She sighed.
"It sounds like there are more boys than girls."
"Mm, think there are. I don't get along with the girls, they're quite mean. Except for Erika Sinclair. Opposite your room, Noah Schnapp. He's 16 and so scary. Nobody goes near him and he's forever in his room. I wouldn't talk to him if I was you." She said whispering the last bit.
"Doesn't sound too scary," he scoffed. The argument has only grown louder and violent so Esma, stomped up the stairs. She had a very loud voice when speaking to them...

Hello guys, sorry I haven't updated in SO LONG but I took a long break from Wattpad and then took even longer to come back on and finish my stories. As this story has been going on for nearly half a year, I would like to end it. NOT RIGHT HERE NO NO NO NO- I will just skip to scenes I never got to work on... Skateboarding scene, Snogging scene, Italy scenes... KIDS scene... Basically, very intimate scenes. Nothing too detailed just kissing and other stuff. Maybe even Prom and first date. As much as it's been fun writing this book I never realised how hard it would be. Now I'm thinking, maybe if I hadn't taken that break, I would've gotten more chapters out I at least wanted to make it to TwEntY chapters but it's sad how I had to cut short at 11... but now knowing with what I'm ACTUALLY doing I'll be a lot quicker writing chapters, every night. If you guys have ANYYYY scenes you want me to write YOU comment them because then you'll be able to read more chapters! Btw this doesn't mean I'm ending my writing career, it means I'm finishing off books that took me years to do. I will be doing the party scene if you want me to, that'll just be later on

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