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Friday, 4th November 5:29.

Finn jumped as he heard the front door slam, he thought it was Charlie but then realised it was Millie.
"Hey, can I stay here for a bit? My parents have been arguing ever since I was home."
"Sure stay as long as you want," Finn put his feet down, letting Millie come over and sit with him. She nestled into his chest and played with his Finn long fingers that were wrapped around her shoulders. "I should've not told you where that spare key was. Now you come in all the time." He sighed and Millie laughed.
"Doing any homework?"
"Kinda. It hasn't been touched in a week though and the homework is due tomorrow."
"Let's go do it then! I have my bag with me then we can just do our homework together." She got up and peered into her bag.
"I want to cuddleee! I'm getting cold over here!"
"And your homework isn't doing itself." She ran up the stairs and Finn couldn't help but follow her. A pile of homework were on his dresser. "When you said homework, I thought you meant two or three sheets of work. Not this much of a pile."
"Yeah well- some homework is was set two weeks ago and I have done any of it." He said, looking away nervously. She threw the pile to him and they both started, Millie, helping him after doing hers.

"Finn, oh my gosh! How many times do I have to say?! You have to add up all the meaning and multiply it but it's cube and height!"
"It's still fucking confusing Millie! I don't fucking understand this!"
"Well, you're not listening to me! You get the value of the fucking square and add up all its fucking mean Finn! Then multiply by its cube and height! It's that fucking simple!"
"Explain it to me! I don't fucking get it right now!" Finn said going red in the face. "I'm not that fucking good at math right now Millie! I don't even know what the mean is yet!"
"I said it five fucking damn times! Look-"
"You gotta be shitting me, Millie." He stood up from the bed and went downstairs.
"Don't you want this explained to?" Millie said following him out. "Why you so tensed about math, it's literally THREE simples steps and all you have to do is listen!"
"I told you I don't fucking know math!"
"So that's why I'm explaining it to you if you just fucking listen to Finn, you shithead!"
"Don't be the one calling me the shithead! If you're so fucking good at maths you fucking explain it!"
"I-" but before Millie could even spit out a word,
"Don't go over with the adding all its mean and multiplying it by its height bullshit!"
"It's not fucking bullshit Finn, if you just listened to one damn second, you would understand what I'm talking about!"
"This is fucking bullshit! What are you gonna use this shit for once in your life! Does it look I'm gonna fucking measure shapes when I'm fucking thirty! This shit is irrelevant to me I don't even know why I started this in the first place! I should have just said it Millie, it's all fucking bullshit!" He shouted but Millie shut him up before saying anything else.

She kissed him. You could see the rage boiling up in his face so she stopped it by kissing him. And believe me, she needed that kiss too. Her hands ran through his deep head of black curls making Finn get more intimate with the kiss. Subtle and soft brushing against the lips was all it was but was so intimate. She sat on the table, pushing all the letters and they kissed on the table not doing anything more.
"Let's forget about math homework for tonight..." He smiled, clutching onto her back as they fell onto the table.

Yey! I did the scene I wanted to do after months! Except in the kitchen-
Next chapter is how millie and Finn got together o.O
Because Millie's sixteen and Finns nearly eighteen

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