Chapter 3 - Welcome Home

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Maddie POV:
Today was the day, I was getting on a plane and going to live with eight strangers. I was in the car with my mom who was driving me to the airport. We weren't saying much to each other. Before I knew it I was at the airport. We walked inside and got my ticket, and loaded my luggage on to the conveyor belt. I walked with my mom up to TSA. My ticket was TSA Pre so I got in the shorter line. We walked up to the guard and he asked me my name he scanned my pass and said "Enjoy your flight."

"This is as far as I can go with out a pass sweetheart." My mom looked at me tear threatening to come out. "I love you!"

"I love you too mom!" I said almost about to cry.

"It's okay sweetie." She said trying to soothe me. "Call me when you land. I gave you Lorenzo's number, text him 30 minutes before you land. God I love you so much. Bye sweetie."

"Bye mommy" I wept as I was escorted though security she walked the other direction. My flight wasn't for another hour so I went and got some coffee and a croissant at Starbucks. After that I went to my terminal and put my earbuds on. I pulled out the iPad my mom got me before I left and opened Netflix to watch Criminal Minds. Soon enough we were boarding. My dad, it's still weird to say, I'm not used to having a dad, got me a ticket in first class which I was grateful for, although I would have been fine in a normal seat. I was escorted to my seat, the stewardess asked me asked me if I needed anything but I told her I was fine. When the flight took off I got a bit concerned, I'd never been on a plane before and I was a bit nervous however I just pulled out my iPad and watched Criminal Minds again.

~Time Skip : 8 Hours Later~

I woke up to a voice coming over the intercom saying "Please fasten your seatbelts, we will be Lansing in just a moment." I looked out the window and there it was, New York, my new life. I took a breath and waited for us to land.

Everyone got off and o followed the signs to baggage claim. I grabbed my bag and looked for my father. Instead I received a text.

(L= Lorenzo, M= Maddie)
L: Hello Maddie, I am so sorry sweetie. I wanted to pick you up from the airport myself but I got caught up with work. I am truly sorry. However our driver, Charles, is there. He should be holding a sign with your name on it. Love you lots, Dad.

I looked around then saw a man in his late 50's holding a sign with my name on it. I walked over to him and said hello.

"Hello Miss Madison, my my how you look like your brothers." He and I chuckled. He introduced himself and opened the door to a Black Rolls Royce.

^^^The Rolls Royce

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^^^The Rolls Royce

Once I got in I texted my mom that I landed and got picked up. We drove for about 30 minutes until we reached the gate of the biggest house I have ever seen. I can't even call it a house, it's a mansion.

^^^The House

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^^^The House

"Miss Maddison, we are here." Charles told me. I was astonished. I knew my father had money, but I never expected this. Charles parked the car and came around and opened the door for me.

"Thank you." I told him

"No problem Miss." He walked to the house and the door opened revealing a women in her late 60's "This is Ms. Lucinda, she is the housekeeper and cook. She will show you to your room and give you a tour." He said escorting me in.

"My how beautiful you are!" Ms. Lucinda complemented me. I blushed.

"Thank you" I replied.

"Now on to the tour." she showed me around, finally bringing me to my room. She opened the door and it was huge. I loved it, the decor was amazing. I couldn't get over how big it is. "The boys spent all day designing it." This put a smile on my face. My brothers did this. For me. "Would you like me to help you unpack?"

"Um, I'm okay, thank you. Besides I'm kinda tired, I think I'm going to take a nap if that's okay." I told her.

"That's totally fine. Just call me if you need anything." She replied, closing the door leaving me by myself. I walked into my closet, which was huge btw, already stocked with cloths. I ended up leaving my suitcase in there and headed to my bed, which was just as huge like the rest of the room. On it was a small stuffed elephant. I didn't care that I was almost 15, I lived it. I grabbed my phone and texted my mom that I'm home and the place is amazing, but I'm tired and gonna take a nap. I told her I would call her later. I got in bed and cuddled the elephant eventually falling asleep.

Sometime later I woke up to voices standing beside me, I was still tired so I didn't open my eyes.

"Wow, she's real!" One of them said. Next thing I heard was a slap.

"No shit Kade" another voice said.

"She's so peaceful," a different voice said.

"Ya, guys come on, we should let her sleep." Another voice stated. Then I heard shuffling.

"Sleep Well Sis. Welcome home." One last voice told me. I felt my sheets being pulled up towards my face more than a light kiss on my forehead before more shuffling and the door closing. I fell asleep again soon after that.

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