Chapter 25 - Gala Part 2

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Maddie POV:
I was in my room getting ready for the gala, since it was Christmas Eve, Luciana had the night off and I was struggling to do my makeup. After a while of struggling I finally made up the courage to ask Mirabella for help. I walked down the hall into my fathers room and knocked.

"Come in!" Mirabella's voice came through the door. I opened the door and saw her putting the finishing touches on her hair. "Hey sweetie, what's up?" We've gotten really close and I got comfortable enough for her to call me sweetie.

"Um, could you possibly help me with my hair and makeup, I usually ask Lucinda, but she's off tonight-"

She cut me off and squealed. "YES YES YES!" She stopped, probably to compose herself. "Sorry, it's just I've always wanted a daughter so that I could help do stuff like this." I smiled and we walked into my room.

I sat down at my vanity and she began to apply eyeshadow. "So are you exited? Possibly meet some cute guys?!" She said trying to make conversation. I still haven't told her that I was gay, and my brothers respected my decision, they told me it was only my story to tell and that I could tell her when I'm ready. I felt close now and thought I was ready.

"Um actually, there's something I should tell you." She stopped doing my makeup and looked at me. "I'm a lesbian."

She smiled. "Really? That's Wonderful." And with that she went back to doing my makeup. I was so happy she was supportive of me. I cared about her, although she wasn't my mother, she was in someways. Soon enough she was done with my hair and makeup.

^^^Maddie's Makeup

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^^^Maddie's Makeup

^^^Maddie's Makeup

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^^^Maddie's Hair

^^^Maddie's Dress

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^^^Maddie's Dress

"Wow, you look gorgeous sweetie." Mirabella complemented.

"Thank you, so do you." She smiled and we walked out of my room. I managed to be ready before guests arrived this time, so we went down to where my father and brothers were sitting.

"Wow, look at you two. My two gorgeous girls." My dad told us, he took me by the hand and twirled me around, then took Mirabella and twirled her.

"Hey I want a turn!" Elias announced. He got up and walked over to me and instead of twirling me gracefully, he threw me over his shoulder and started spinning.

"HELP!" I screamed as my brothers laughed. "Don't just sit there idiots help me! Save me from this maniac!" Elias stopped and set me down.

"Maniac?" He said sarcastically. "That hurts Mads. Maybe you need another round."

"No!" I yelled as I ran behind my dad. "Dad help me the manic is trying to get me!"

"Don't worry Principessa, I'll help you." He said as he moved out of the way so Elias could get me.

"Ahhhhh! You liar!" I screamed as Elias threw me over his shoulder again.

"Sorry baby, I tried." He smirked. "I really did but the manic—he's just to strong" he put his hand on his head like he was going to faint. (And he wonders where I get my dramatic attitude from.)

Soon enough Elias put me down, and had to hold my hand because the world was still spinning around me. The guests started arriving and soon enough here came Elena. She looked beautiful. I smiled when I saw her. I slowly walked over and curtsied.

"Hello, M'Lady." I said sarcastically.

"And hello to you m'lady." She curtsied as well. We both laughed. Her oldest brother Mateo, said hello before going off to hang out with one of my brothers.

We stayed together the entire night, greeting other people, getting food, until all the guests started leaving.

"Hey I got you something..." I told her shyly.

"Awww Mads you didn't have to get me anything." She responded.

"I know but it's Christmas and plus I wanted to do something special for my girlfriend."

We walked into the living room and I pulled out a small rapped box from under the tree. I handed it to her and she smiled.

"Open it" I told her.

She opened it to reveal a small heart necklace. "Awww Mads I love it."

^^^The Necklace

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^^^The Necklace

"And I love you." I smiled at her. She turned around and I put it around her neck and clipped it on her. Then she turned around and kissed her. We parted from the kiss to see both our families staring at us in shock.

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