Chapter 5 - Threats

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A/N: this is mostly like brotherly fluff. It's still cute tho, sorry for the short chapter. Sorry if it feels rushed I have a lot of ideas and I want to write them all lmao.

Maddox POV:
It's been a few weeks since Maddie moved in with us, she really has brightened up everyone's life, she fits in so well with everyone. She a blessing, I love her so much. She's gotten close to all of us but she's closest to Sam and Alex, which I'm jealous of. I wish I could spend more time with her but I have to help dad with the mafia. Today we received news of a imposing threat against our family, more specifically, Maddie. In the mafia world if you wanted to weaken a mafia, you take out someone the leader cares about. It's usually a daughter or mother, because they are seen as the weakest links. Unfortunately this is what happened to my mother, the Russian Mafia had her killed, and once again they are a threat. I promised myself I would never let anything happen to my little sister, even if it meant dying. Currently my father and I where on our way home to tell the boys of the threat.

"Are you sure it's the right decision not telling Maddie, I mean if she was prepared—" I tried to tell my dad.

"No Maddox, I don't want to scare her. How would she react if I told her she had a target on her back." My dad tried to reason. "Plus she's more protected with one of you boys."

We sat in silence the rest of the way home. Once we got to the house we called a meeting in the office, Maddie was in her room drawing so she wouldn't know we got home. We all walked into my Dads office then into the secret door behind his desks that led to another office, specifically for Mafia business at home.

"What's wrong dad?" Colton asked, seeing the uncomfort on his face.

"I was just informed of a treat by the Russian Mafia, they are threatening your sister." He said solemnly.

"What!" "No this can't be happening" "not again" was spread through the room.

"Dad, what happens if," Elias paused "if they do the same thing as they did to mom."

"They won't. I wont allow it." He said obviously scared. "I'm increasing security and I want at least one of you with your sister at all times unless she is sleeping, then I will keep a guard outside her door. Understood?"

"Yes," we all said in unison.

"Now go to bed, goodnight" he said, we all said our goodnights and walked outside. We all ended up walking to the same door tho. It was Maddie's. We all looked at each other.

"I don't know if I can do it," Elias said. "After what happened to mom, I dont think I could handle it if I lost her too."

"I know what you mean. I don't think any of us could." Sam replied.

I slowly opened the door to see Maddie on her bed, looking to have fallen asleep on her art supplies. I pointed and all the boys walked quietly into the room. I walked over to her and picked her up bridal style. I stared at her, looking at her cute little face, peacefully sleeping in my arms. Kade and Alex were gathering her art supplies off the bed and putting them on her desk. Noah and Colton were helping me take her shoes and jacket off, that she never took off. Elias and Sam were preparing her bed, moving the blanket out of the way so I could set her down on it. She was so pure and innocent, I never wanted to let go, I knew I could protect her from the world if she never left my arms, but eventually I set her down. I carefully rested her head on the pillow and covered her up with the blanket.

"Night sis" "love you" "sleep well" were whispered around the room. We all stood staring at her for a bit longer not wanting to leave. None of us bothered to move, however we did grab a pillow and blanket from her closet, and decided to spend the night in her room.

Maddie POV:
I woke up to the sound of snoring, but it wasn't mine. I sat up to see all seven of my brothers sleeping on top of each other on my floor. It was adorable, so I took a picture. I carefully got out of bed and went to the kitchen for breakfast. I called my mom and she said she was doing better, but I could tell she was lying. It pained me to see her like that, suffering, me not being able to be there for her.

Suddenly I was wiped out of my thoughts by screaming from upstairs. I ran up there to find all my brothers running around.

"Are you guys okay?" I yelled. They all stopped and turned to me before bombarding me with hugs. "G-g-guys c-can't b-b-breath."

They released me then Elias started yelling "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU WE THOUGHT SOMETHING HAPPENED TO YOU!"

"Guys calm down, I was downstairs getting breakfast. And let's be honest what could happen me? We live in a house with guards." I said, I still wondered why we had guards but I figured it's because we had lots of money and we didn't want people to break in.

They all sighed and we all walked downstairs for breakfast.

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