Chapter 59 - Mafia Family

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Liam POV:
I woke up with a sharp pain in my shoulder, it took me a second to remember the details of last night. I was shot. As my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw my sister laying next to me in the hospital bed. She was still asleep; my shoulder was really killing me, I needed some pain killers. I was contemplating waking Layne up to go ask the nurse for some when Maddie walked in.

Her eyes where puffy and I could tell she hasn't slept. "Hey mom." I told her quietly, making sure I didn't wake Layne up.

She immediately rushed to my side. "Hey baby," she said. We didn't get a change to talk a lot last night when I woke up, I fell asleep soon after they walked in after surgery. "How you feeling?" She asked brushing some hair out of my face.

"It hurts." I whispered. The pain was a seven out of ten, but it wasn't worse than some of the beatings I got with our old foster father.

"I'm going to go get the doctor and ask to give you some pain meds.

She started to walk out the door when I said "Wait." She turned back to me. "What happened last night? Why was there a shooting?"

Mom sighed and stretched the back of her neck before giving me a sad look. She walked back to my bedside and took my hand. "Elena and I will explain everything, but not here, and not now." She paused. "Now I'll be right back to get the doctor."

I didn't know what she meant. Why couldn't she tell me? I turned back to Layne. I don't know what I would have done if she was shot instead of me. She's my little sister, yes it might be by twelve minutes, but she's still my little sister, I don't know what was going on with the secrecy from Maddie, but if something where to happen like this again I would protect her. I would protect them. My family, old and new. My sister, my brothers, I would protect them with my life.

Maddie came back with the doctor, who gave me some pain medication, which made my arm feel ten times better. Soon after Layne woke up and Elena, Dylan, and Wesley came to visit me in the hospital.

Later that day, the doctors said I could go home if I took it easy and didn't use my arm. We got home and Elena and Maddie tucked in Dylan and Wesley since it was their bedtime. Layne and I were downstairs watching TV, when both of them came downstairs.

"Its time we explain everything." Elena told us. They sat down on the other couch next to each other and looked sadly at us. "First thing we want to say is we never wanted anyone to get hurt. We thought we could protect you from this but we obviously couldn't."

I was so confused. "No matter what we say, you both need to realize and trust that everything we ever did was because we love you. We still do, but we understand how this will sound." Maddie exclaimed.

"Mads, there's no point in beating around the bush, just tell them." Elena told Maddie.

"Ok." Maddie looked back to us. "We're mafia families." Layne and I stood in shock.

"You're joking." Layne said.

"No Layne, were not. My father is the head of the Italian Mafia. And Elena's father is the head of the Spanish mafia." Maddie responded with such seriousness.

"I'm so sorry we dragged you into this. We thought we could live a life where we had children we loved and be a normal family but we obviously can't. I'm so sorry." Elena told us.

"We never wanted anyone in our family to get hurt. And you two can curse us out all you want, but nothing you can say is going to be worse than what we already told ourselves." Maddie said sincerely. I could tell this was the truth.

"So the shooting—" I started before Elena cut me off.

"Was a attack, meant to take out members of our family." Elena but her lip.

"Look we both understand what is going through your mind right now. We both went through this, you probably feel betrayed, lied to, scared, but we want you to know, everything we did was because we love you. We can only help but hope you two will understand and forgive us."

I looked at my sister. I just found out that I was shot because my moms were part of the mafia. My family was part of the mafia. "I do." I told them.

They looked at me. "What?" They said at the same time.

"I forgive you. Mafia or not you have been more a parent to Layne and I than we ever had. You're our moms, we could never hate you." Maddie looked like she was going to cry, she pulled me in for a hug. And whispered thank you in my ear. Elena did the same and whispered I love you in my ear. I turned to my sister. "What about you?"

"I forgive you. I love you moms." She responded and we had a big group hug.

"I don't want to scare you but, the person who ordered the shooting has been trying to kill my family for years. I promise we are going to catch him. Until then, I want you two to be prepared, I'm going to have Kade and Mateo train you. You need to be prepared just incase, but I promise we will do everything on our power to make sure you don't have to fight." Maddie told us.

I know your probably thinking I should have been more upset about the whole mafia thing, but after what I've been through in my short life time, I would take my mafia family over anything else I've been through. After all I know they love me, and that's all I could ask for.

"It's getting late, you two should go to bed, and we would appreciate if you didn't tell Wes or Dylan about this, they're too young."

After a while I couldn't sleep, so I walked into Laynes room. She was sleeping peacefully on her bed, I walked up to her and pulled the covers over her shoulders and kissed her forehead lightly. "I promise I'll protect you." I told her walking out to do the same for my two younger brothers, before going my room to go to sleep.

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