Chapter 55 - The Break In

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(Time skip : 2 months after adopting Dylan, he has become comfortable in the house and has met the family.)

Maddie POV:
I woke up to a loud "bang" from downstairs, I looked at my clock and it was 3:02 am. I walked outside my bedroom door, Elena still sleeping, to see to my horror that Dylan and Wes were still in their beds sleeping. I ran back into my bedroom, pressed our silent alarm that would alert my brothers and father.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and I knew I had to defend my family. After Dimitri escaped, Kade bought me a gun for my own protection. Scared that the intruder was going to enter one of my boys rooms, I ran outside with my gun.

The intruder was wearing all black and was about to open Dylan's bedroom door. Now was the time to stop him. I snuck up behind the intruder and cocked my gun. "Freeze. Don't move."

I intruder seemed scared and put their hands up. "Please! Don't shoot!" The intruder asked scared. "I'm sorry, please don't shoot!"

The intruder's voice seemed young, one I would expect from a teenage boy, who couldn't be older that 16. "Turn around."

The intruder followed my instructions and turned around to reveal a teenage boy, scared shitless. "Please don't shoot!" He begged.

I could feel the fear radiating off of the teenage boy. Feeling bad, I uncocked the gun. "If I put my weapon down are you going to try anything? I must warn you I am a extremely stilled fighter." He shook his head vigorously. I lowered my weapon. "Now tell me your name."

"Liam." He replied meekly.

"Liam what? I need to call your parents."

"You're not calling the police?" He asked still scared.

"Look, under any circumstances I would, but you're a kid, how old are you? 15?"

"16 ma'am."

"Okay, now can you tell me your parents number." I got no reply. "Look kid I'm trying to help you, I'm letting you get punished by your parents rather than arrested. Now what's your parents phone number."

"I-I-I don't have any parents."

"What do you mean you don't have parents?" A stupid question coming out of my mouth, after I realized I had two adopted sons. "You're a orphan?" He nodded. "Okay, then tell me you're foster families number, or the number of your child services attendant."

Before he could answer I heard the door unlock. I was fearful my brothers or father would accidentally shoot the teenage boy. "Be very quiet okay?" I whispered. He nodded. All my brothers soon made it into the house, guns at the ready. I walked out to be exposed and all of their flashlights pointed towards me. "Sorry guys, false alarm. Wes was getting something from the kitchen and knocked over a vase."

"Maddie? How's Taylor?" Alex asked, it was our code if anything was actually wrong. We would ask about a random person and if we responded he's fine, they would know something is wrong.

"Alex, I told you, I'm fine. Really, nothing is wrong." I responded. They said okay, and left. I turned back to the teenage boy. "Are you okay?" He nodded again. "Now I believe I asked a question." I asked referring to my question about his foster parents and child services attendant."

"I don't have one ma'am."

"I'm trying to help you, but I can't do that if you keep lying to me. I have two adopted sons, I know the process. Now what's the number of your foster parent.

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