Chapter 7 - Grieving

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Elias POV:
It's been three days since we were told the news about Maddie's mom. Three days that she's locked herself in her room, not speaking, barely eating. Seeing her like this breaks my heart. I wish I could do something. Then it hit me, after mom died I locked my self away for years. This is what my family was thinking when I did it. I don't think I could handle it if she locked herself away for years. I walked into the kitchen to see Ms. Lucinda cooking lunch.

"Is this one for Maddie?" I asked her.

She turned around and saw the plate I was referring to, "Yes, Mr. Valentino, I was just about to bring it up for her."

"Can I?" I asked, I need to talk to her, at least get a word out.

"Of Course." She replied.

I grabbed the plate and headed upstairs to her bedroom. I knocked before waking in. I saw her sitting in the corner looking out the window.

"Maddie? I brought your lunch." I told her.

"Just set it on my desk." She told me, voice cracking as if she was trying not to cry. I set it on the desk and walked up to her. Her eyes were red and puffy, and had dark circles surrounding them.

"Have you slept lately?" I asked her, she didn't respond, instead she started to cry. I walked over and pulled her into a hug. I sat down next to her on the couch as she sobbed into my hoodie. I started rubbing circles in her back to try to calm her.

"You know Maddie, if you need to talk I'm here for you. I know when people say they understand what your going through they really don't, but I actually do. My mom died too. And I remember the pain, the loss, I remember cutting myself off from everyone for years." My voice got quite. "Please don't cut yourself off like I did. It doesn't help. It makes it worse. What helps, is being surrounded by people that love you. I know I don't always act like it, but you are the most important person in my life, and I want you to be happy but I can't do that if you don't let me in."

"It's just" I was shocked, this was the first thing she's said in three days. "She was more than a mom, you know. She was my best friend. We did everything together, she was always there for me. When I was sad, when I was sick, when I broke my arm in the 3rd grade and had to be in a cast for 5 months. She was there for me. And now she's not, I didn't even get to say goodbye." She sobbed.

I squeezed her tighter, "I know Mads, I know, but think about the last time you FaceTimed her, I bet you said you loved her before it ended. That's a goodbye." I said immediately regretting my words. "Crap Maddie I'm sorry, I didn't mean it to sound like that. I'm not good at these little chats. I wish I was like Sam, he's amazing at girl talk or whatever you call it." She chuckled a bit, and it felt like a weight off my shoulders when she did. "Just remember, it's not goodbye forever, you'll see her again in the future, the very distant future, like when your 170." She chuckled again.

"I just want her to be proud of me"

"She is, I know she is" she looked up into my eyes. "Because if she even has the smallest bit of pride in her that I have of you. She already is the most proud mom on the planet. You are amazing Maddie, no one in their right mind could not be proud of you." She smiled. "Promise me you won't hide in your room all sad again if I leave? Or at least not cry."

"Promise, and Elias, your amazing at girl talk." She told me and we both chuckled.

"Your foods getting cold." I told her.

She got up from our hug and grabbed the plate "you know, I feel like it would taste better if I ate downstairs." I smiled, shes coming out of her shell again. He'd smile is back, lighting up every room.

"Ya I think so too." I told her as we walked out the door.

We came into the dining room and the boys were finishing up. When they saw Mads their posture changed.

"Hey guys," she told them. They all smiled as she sat down at the table and ate. We were back to being a semi normal family.

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