Chapter 9 - Coming Out

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Maddie POV:

"IM GAY...."

I was petrified, I can't believe I just said that. My brothers and dad were all staring at me, I finally took my gaze away from the floor to see eight eyes looking at me.

"Cool" Maddox finally spoke up.

"What?" I asked needing verification from what he just said.

"Cool" he said again.

"You guys aren't mad?" I asked timidly.

"Why would we be mad?" My dad asked.

"No reason, I guys don't care?" I asked once more.

"I mean it's not like it changes anything, your still our sister." Kade spoke up.

"We still love you." Sam added.

"It's not a big deal, wait we're you expecting us to be disgusted and hate you?" Colton asked. I have them a look of maybe. "Really Mads?"

"I honestly didn't know what to expect. My mom was the only person that accepted it." I told them they all looked at me sad. "Everyone else in my school and city called me, you know, the word."

"I swear I'm going to burn that city to the ground." Noah said not sounding very sarcastic.

"Maddie, we don't care about that. You love who every you want, we still love you." My father spoke. I started to tear up.

"T-t-t-thank you." I said tears flowing. Maddox leaned over and hugged me.

"Plus this makes our lives so much easier. Now we don't have to worry about you dating now." Elias said which made me chuckle.

"Ya now I don't fight any guys. Thanks sis," Colton said humorously.

We spent the rest of dinner laughing, making jokes, talking. It felt so good to finally be able to tell them. I'm so happy. They accept me. For who i am. I don't have any more secrets I'm holding from them, I feel so free.

After dinner we decided to watch a movie, after what seemed like a hour of arguing we finally agreed on Star Wars: A New Hope, which to my complete and udder disappointment, Colton, Noah, Elias, Kade, and Maddox had never seen. I was cuddling with Noah, and by cuddle I mean completely laying on top of him in the most uncomfortable position possible.

"Maddie can you stop moving....ow!" He said while I was changing positions.

"Wow bro, you know Maddie you can come cuddle with me and I won't complain." Maddox told me. I took this opportunity, halfly as payback. I got up and walked over to Maddox.

"No Mads wait," Noah said salty.

"You snooze you lose little bro." Maddox told him am I can over and laid next to him. I ended up falling asleep on him. Once the movie was over I woke up to voices.

"You want be to carry her up?" Alex asked.

"Nah, I got it." Maddox replied.

I was awake, but I wanted them to carry me so I pretended to still be asleep. Maddox made his was up the stairs followed by the boys, he got me to my bed then set me under the blankets and tucked me in.

"Thank you," I told him smirking.

"Your awake?" Noah replied.

"So your saying I just carried you up a flight of stairs when you were awake....what the hell Mads." Maddox chimed in. I chuckled.

"Goodnight boys!" I told them.

"Night sis" they all said.

"This isn't over" Maddox whispered in my ear, then walking out, closing the door behind him.

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