Chapter 13 - Hospital

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(A/N: there are going to be a lot of different POV's in this story happening simultaneously. I'll try to make it clear, but sorry if it gets confusing.)

Kade POV:
I was in the middle of football practice with Colton when Sam came running towards us. He was running on to the field as we were conditioning. My coach wasn't going to be happy about him interrupting practice, and to be honest, I wasn't a fan either. He ran up looking like he was about to cry.


"Bro what are you talking about you know practice is still going on." Colton intervened.


"Bro you know we don't check our phones at practice. And can you leave? We still have practice." I yelled at him annoyed, knowing I was going to pay for him interrupting by more conditioning.

"ELIAS AND MADDIE ARE IN THE HOSPITAL! ITS BAD WE NEED TO GO!" He yelled. My heart stopped my brother and sister were in the hospital, I knew this could only mean one thing. They were attacked. Colton stood next to me frozen, both of us trying to process. "DID YOU NOT HEAR ME WE NEED TI GO!"

I started running to the car, others following. Colton and I didn't bother grabbing our bags. Family was more important and right now, two of my family members are in the hospital.

We got to the car and Sam frantically grabbed his keys and drove off.

"Did they say how bad it was?" Colton asked.

"They said they didn't want to tell me over the phone, which means it's bad." Sam responded.

We rushed to the hospital, running every stop sign and red light. We got to the hospital and Sam got our forgetting too put the car in park. I had to reach over and do it before the car crashed into another vehicle. We ran in and saw our brothers and father, covered in blood, waiting in the waiting room.

"HOW ARE THEY?!" I yelled.

"We don't know.....Elias's heart stopped and both lost conciseness." Alex replied eyes red and puffy. My dad was a mess he looked like he had been crying, he never cry's.

Noah POV:
I brushed my hand through my hair for the 100th time. I was passing around the waiting room. I couldn't believe it, my younger brother, my baby sister. They were both fighting for their lives and I couldn't do anything to help them. So many emotions were flooding my brain and I couldn't take it. I ran up to the desk lady and asked "ANY WORD ON ELIAS VALENTINO OR MADDISON VALENTINO?"

She typed on her computer and gave me a empathetic "No sir I'm sorry."

Leonardo POV:
I was crying, my son and daughter are fighting for their lives right now. I don't even know if they are going to make it. I've been waiting for and hour and still no word. So many emotions were flooding my mind, sadness, anxiety, anger, revenge, worry. It was too much. If something happens to them I will never forgive myself. I sent my second in command to find Valdik and hunt him down, alive. I wanted to kill that son of a bitch myself. My boys were a mess, it broke my heart. I wish I could have protected them, I wish I could have done more. I can't loose them. I need them.

Suddenly the door opened and a doctor walked in.

"Elias and Maddison Valentino." We all stood up at what the doctor said.

"Are they okay?" "Whats their statice?" "Are they alive" "please tell me they're alive!!" Was heard around the room. I prayed for a positive response.

"Maddison—" the doctor began before being cut off by Colton


"—Maddie, lost a lot of blood, which attributed to her loss of consciousness, the bullet went through and through, so there was nothing to remove. She was given anesthesia while we stitched her shoulder up. She just woke up. She's going to be fine."  I let out a breath at the doctors words. My daughter, my baby girl was okay.

"What about Elias?" Maddox asked.

The doctor sighed, "Elias had massive blood loss, the bullet grazed his left lung, and was lodged in his rib cage. After extensive surgery we got it out safely." I let out another breath. "But..." there it was the but, I didn't know what to expect. Is he dead? God please don't tell me he's dead. "He's in a coma. We don't know how long it will take for him to wake up. If he wakes up."

Alex POV:
I was shocked. I couldn't move. My little brother was in a coma, and they don't even know if he will ever wake up. I'm such a mess. I swear to go when we catch Valdik I'm going to kill him. I'm going to kill the head of the Russian Mafia if it is the last thing I do.

"You may go see them now, we put them in the same room for your convenience. And when you go, you should tell Maddie that what she did, putting a tampon in Elias's wound most likely saved his life." The doctor told us walking out. We started walking to the room they were staying in.

Maddie POV:
I woke up to a bright light, I was in a white room. The first thing I noticed was the pain. My shoulder felt like it had been ripped apart. Then I remembered. I was shot, Elias was shot. Elias. I shot up and saw them wheeling in a person with a breathing tube. Oh my god, it was Elias.

"I-I-is he okay?" I asked the nurse frantically.

"Oh, your awake. Um your brother here is in a coma, I'm so sorry." The nurse told me. "I'll send someone to alert your family your awake."

I couldn't believe it my brother, Elias was in a coma. I couldn't help but cry helplessly.

After the nurse got Elias situated, she left.

"Elias I'm so sorry. It should have been me. God I'm so sorry. Please wake up. Please." I yelled across the room at him. But alas it didn't work he was still asleep.

End of Flashback

I lied there staring in sadness until I heard the door open. In walked all my brother and father. Everyone rushed to me. And hugged me

"Oh my god Mads you had us so worried!" "I'm so sorry Maddie" "Thank god you're okay!" Was heard around the room.

"Maddie I'm so sorry, I should have been there. I should have protected you. I'm so sorry, I can never forgive myself." My father said crying.

"Dad it's okay, I forgive you." I told him and he gave me a empathetic smile. "Elias is in a coma."

"Ya sweetie we know." Maddox told me sadly, stroking my hair.

"I should I have done something! This is all my fault!" I sobbed.

"No sweetie this isn't. Trust me this isn't. In fact, your the only reason Elias is still alive." Alex told me.

"What?" I questioned.

"The doctor said if you didn't put the tampon in his wound and stopped the bleeding, Elias would most likely be dead right now." Noah explained.

"Ya, sis you did do something, you saved our brother. And this is in no way your fault." Sam told me patting my foot at the end of the hospital bed.

"But he's in a coma!" I yelled.

My father squeezed my hand. "Ya but because of you he's in a coma, not the morgue." Colton smiled.

"You did great kid. Your so strong." Kade told me.

"And so it Elias. He's going to be fine. I know he is." I told them enthusiastically, something we all needed. "Dad, Whats going on? Who were those people? Why did they try to kill us?" I asked him. He looked at my sadly. Before he could answer a nurse walked in.

"Sorry for interrupting, but I have Maddison's discharge papers. You can take her home now if you want." I the nurse said handing the papers to my father to sign. He signed them and she walked out again.

I'll explain, I promise. But not here." My father told me in all seriousness. "Let's go home sweetie."

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