Chapter 21 - Captive

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I took a second to take in my surroundings, I heard water flowing and boat horns, I must be near the coast. There were no windows but light was coming in very far up. I must be in some sort of light house.

"Look who's finally awake," a voice with a Russian accent said from the corner. I moved my head to look at him. "Hello there Miss Maddison."

I immediately knew this man was part of the Russian Mafia. This angered me he worked for the man who almost killed my brother. I got so angry I didn't think about what I was saying. "You work for the man who almost killed my brother! Why doesn't your stupid excuse for a man of a boss come out here and face me himself instead of sending his scrawny henchmen to do his dirty work. Is he really that scared!"

I was repaid for my comment by a shallow stab to the thigh with a switchblade from his pocket. I hissed one agony, but I wasn't going to let him see me cry. He came close to me and yanked my hair back and whispered in my ear. "I am the boss." He let go of my hair and held out his hand. "Nikolai Ivanov, nice to finally meet the youngest Valentino." I spit in his direction, which was returned by a slap to the face.

He snapped his fingers and another man brought in a camera. "Now let's make your father miserable." He said and I saw a light flash from the camera, meaning it turned on. "Now let's have some fun."

Lorenzo POV:
It's been a day since my beautiful baby girl was kidnapped. I haven't slept, I haven't eaten, I'm a mess. My boys are a mess as well, Maddox blames himself for her getting taken although it's my fault. How could I be so stupid as to leave her home alone. I left her with a few guards who will be dealt with later. I was in my office trying to find something, anything that would lead us to my baby, when one of my men walked in holding a envelope.

"Sir this arrived this morning." He said.

"Leave it on the table. Get the boys in here, but only Maddox, Noah, and Alex." I demanded. I knew it had to be Ivanov.

Soon enough my three oldest walked into the room, I haven't seen them in a bit and they all had dark circles under their eyes.  "You wanted to see us dad." My oldest exclaimed. 

"Yes. I received this" I held up the envelope, "it's Ivanov." All their faces turned dark. I opened the envelope and a flash drive dropped out. I handed it to Noah who plugged it into the tv.

Noah POV:
I plugged the flash drive into the tv, and selected the file. I wasn't prepared for what I was about to see however. When the drive finally loaded I saw my baby sister beaten, bleeding, and tied to a chair.

A small "Oh my god" escaped from my twins mouth.

"Hello Lorenzo," the man in the video, who we immediately identified as Nikolai Ivanov, spoke. "As you probably can see I have your daughter." He turned to give us a good view of my precious little sister. "That's very sloppy work Lorenzo, leaving your one and only daughter home alone, for the taking." I knew this sentence would affect my father. "Here's the deal." Maddie began to wiggle the restraints. Ivanov turned around and slapped her across the face so hard it left a mark. He then grabbed her chin and pulled it to look at him. "Listen here you little shit, I wouldn't do that if I were you!" He warned. All I wanted to do was stop him right then and there for laying a hand on my little Principessa.

Ivanov turned back to the camera. "I'm willing to make a trade. $15,000,000 in cash" I knew this was doable but I didn't care I just wanted my sister back. "And I want to exchange your little girl here for the boss. I want you, Lorenzo." He just said the impossible, he wants my father. The head of the Italian Mafia. I knew my father would do it in a instant, but I also know it's a trap Ivanov would just kill them both.

From the background of the video Maddie screamed "NO DON'T DO IT! DON'T DO IT!" Ivanov turned around and punched her in the stomach which made us all flinch.

"Incase you needed some more motivation, perhaps, make it a time sensitive matter..." This scared me what did he mean time sensitive. Ivanov walked over to a table and grabbed a knife. By this time I'm on edge, I knew what he was going to do and I couldn't stop it.

Ivanov grabbed the knife and plunged into my sisters arm. "NOOOO!" All my brothers and father screamed.

Ivanov removed the knife and Maddie yelled "TOWER OF EVIL THAT HURT!"

"Shut up!" Ivanov punched her again making blood flow from her nose. "Based on where I stabbed her I give her 18 hours before she bleeds out. Meet me in the warehouse district of Manhattan, tonight at 8pm. Come alone or she dies, I will call you on a burner for more details." Ivanov walked towards the camera and turned it off.

"Oh my god!" Maddox shouted, with tears brimming his eyes.

"This is all my fault! Boys I'm so sorry, I'm going to tonight, and I'm going to get your sister back I promise." My father sobbed.

"No dad it's not your fault. And you know better than anyone you can't go. Hell kill you then Maddie." Maddox replied.

"I have to do something I can't just sit here knowing my daughter is bleeding out!" My father screamed.

We soon heard a knock on the door. I went over and opened it and saw all younger brothers outside. "We heard everything." Sam spoke softly.

"Boys I'm sorry, I swear from the bottom of my heart I will find your sister, he looked at my brothers solemnly.

I looked to my twin who has been quite this whole time. "Alex are you okay?"

He didn't look at me, he was just lost in thought. "Tower of Evil that hurt!" He whispered. "Tower of Evil?"

"Bro are you okay?" Colton asked him, but got no response.

"Tower of evil. Tower of evil. Tower of evil." I don't know what was coming out of his mouth and for a second I thought he was having a seizure. He suddenly looked up at all of us. "Tower of Evil! That's it!" He yelled.

"Alex what are you talking about?" Kade spoke as if he was crazy.

"Tower of Evil! It's not some random phrase to stop her from cursing, it's a horror movie we watched together." He paused "A movie about a man holding kids captive in a light house." My bothers and I looked lost. "SHES TELLING US WHERE SHE IS! SHES AT A LIGHTHOUSE!"

We all were shocked. God my little Maddie is so smart, telling us where she is.

"Which one?" Elias asked.

"I don't know but we can find out." Alex ran to dads computer, and started typing. "There are 13 lighthouses in the state. Out of those, only 3 are close to The warehouse district in Manhattan. One is still in use, the other is part of a amusement park and, the last one is abandoned. THATS IT! SHE HAS TO BE IN THAT ONE! I'll text everyone the address, let's go."

"I'll call the men, everyone grabbed their weapons, met us there. Let's go get our Maddie back." My father exclaimed.

I ran to the car all I could think was We're coming Mads. I Promise.

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