Chapter 47 - Honeymoon Disaster

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Maddie POV:
For the ninth time in a row I woke up to my beautiful wife. I hope that every morning will be like this. This time when I woke up, Elena was already up. She was looked at me smiling, softly drawing circles into my chest with her finger. She didn't realize I was awake yet so I moved my head and pressed a kiss on the top of her head. "Hey baby," I told her.

She smiled and snuggled more into my chest, "Hey wifey." She looked back at me and we kissed again, this time on the lips. "Mmmm I don't want to leave." She was referring to the fact that today was the last day of our honeymoon and we were leaving today.

"Me either." I sighed.

Kade POV:
I was helping my brothers, dad, Elena's father and brothers prepare Maddie and Elena's wedding gift. It was their very own mansion. My dad and Esteban decided to buy them it, since it was in the same neighborhood as both our mansions, and if they picked it out they could decide if it was safe or not.

I was moving boxes back and forth when my mom came screaming into the living room, crying. "CHECK THE NEWS!"

We were confused but we did as she instructed. Maddox turned on the TV and turned up the volume. On it was a news reporter. "Just minutes ago, a plane, belonging to very wealthy business man Lorenzo Valentino crashed into the side of a mountain just outside of Upstate New York." My heart sank.

"Dad isn't — isn't that the plane Elena and Maddie are on?" Elias's voice cracked. I couldn't believe it the plane that my baby sister was on crashed.

My dad didn't say anything. "Police have no idea what caused the crash, but they are saying no survivors."

"No!" My father yelled. "Everyone call your sister!" None of us moved out of shock. "NOW!"

I quickly grabbed my phone, almost dropping it, and called Maddie. Everyone did the same. It started to ring.

"Come on, please, please!" I mumbled. No answer. "No! Please!" I called again. No answer. "Dad—I—I cant get ahold of her." I sobbed.

"Me either." Alex sobbed.

"I can't get Elena! God this can't be happening!" Mateo added.

"Everyone grab your coats, were going to the crash sight!" My father yelled.

We all scrambled to get out coats and ran to the garage. We all went in the G-Wagon, taking two cars of men with us. Maddox in the drivers seat. Elena's brothers and father took their Porsche SUV. We quickly took off.

"This has to be a mistake! They can't be dead." Colton whispered to me. I grabbed his hand, but didn't say anything.

We started to approach the crash site, we were about 2 minutes away when I noticed something on the side of the road. Someone, it was dark, but I could tell it was a girl. Before I could say anything the girl ran into the street. Maddox slammed on the breaks. "What the hell—" Maddox started but was cut off.

"Holy shit is that Elena?" Noah added. We all pilled out of the car, it was Elena. Oh god, that means my sister could still be alive.

Her brothers ran out of the car. "What is the meaning of this—" Max started before seeing Elena. "Elena! Oh god I thought you were dead!" They all huddled around her hugging.

"I need help! It's Maddie!" She yelled. My attention snapped to her, pointed her finger into the woods. "She's hurt!" Elena started running with a limp into the woods, and we followed. We got to a large section of no trees where lied my sister, against a tree branch.

"MADDIE!" We all screamed. And ran to her.

"Guys?" She said weakly. My dad ran in front and bent down next to her.

"Hey baby, I'm here okay, just don't fall asleep. Okay?" My dad told her softly, cupping her cheeks, I could tell his voice was full of fear. All of us were scared.

"it's my leg." Maddie told us. We looked down to see a large pool of blood on her leg and a bone that seemed to be out of the leg. I would have puked if it wasn't for fear taking over my brain.

"Noah and Kade, since you two are the fastest, take your sister, run to the car, and drive her to the hospital. Don't wait for us, we'll meet you there." My dad told us. Maddox gave me the keys. We nodded and Noah picked up Maddie and started running with her, fireman's carry. I was running beside him, when we reached the car.

Noah quickly put Maddie in the backseat, and I handed him the keys, also getting in the backseat next to her. We turned on the car and drove off. My dad must have called our men, for one of our SUV's were following us.

"How's she doing back there?" Noah asked looking into the rear view mirror. I looked at her pale, I didn't realize it earlier but my hand was holding hers. Her very pale head was on my lap.

"She's not doing to good, she's so pale." I told Noah, who stepped on the gas harder. I looked at Maddie again. "Hey Mads, you got to stay awake for me. Please." A tear fell from my eye onto her head which I used my other hand to wipe.

"It hurts" she replied very weak. I could tell she was using all of her strength to stay awake.

I squeezed her hand. "I know sis, I wish I could take it away. Just keep talking to me until we get to the hospital okay." She started closing her eyes. "Hey hey no don't close your eyes. NOAH HOW LONG UNTIL WE REACH THE HOSPITAL!"

"About 3 minutes!" He yelled in fear.

"Make it 1  1/2!" I yelled, knowing Maddie wouldn't last that long. I tapped her cheeks until she opened her eyes again. "Go faster!"

"I'm already going 80."

"Go 100. I don't care, get her to the damn hospital." I yelled. I squeezed Maddie's hand. "Maddie if your going to close your eyes, you have to squeeze my hand okay?" She weakly nodded and I felt a very small grib on my hand.

We finally reached the hospital. I grabbed Maddie and jumped out of the moving vehicle. I ran inside the double doors and started screaming. "SOMEONE HELP! PLEASE! ANYONE HELP—MY SISTER—SHES LOOSING A LOT OF BLOOD!"

Two doctors ran over and grabbed her from me and put her on a gurney and wheeled her away. I tried to follow them but a nurse stopped me. "I have to go with them! Please that's my baby sister! I need to make sure she's okay!"

The nurse continued to block me and gave me a sympathetic "I'm sorry, but you can't go back there. Trust the doctors. Your sister is in good hands." Just as she said this Noah walked in.

He did something he hasn't done to me since I was four. He hugged me. "She's gonna be okay. She's done this before, she's strong. She'll be okay." I could tell he was trying to convince himself, not just me. We went and sat down and waited for word.

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