Chapter 12 - Bleeding

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(A/N: I know I said no more large time Skip's but if I got them back to back it doesn't seem right. Hope you don't mind.)

Maddie POV:
It's been a month and a half since school started. I've gotten really close to Liv, Naya, Bryce, Hailey, and Luke, that bitch Ashlyn has eased up a bit but when she feels like she has a good comeback she boasts it to me. Not to mention she's still trying to get with Kade. My grades are all A's, I actually like a lot of my classes, especially art. My brothers have been weird lately, watching my every move, I notice dad got more guards at the house. It's kinda weird, but weird is to be expected from my brothers.

Today was Friday, more specifically the Friday before Thanksgiving Break, my school had three weeks off though, which I was really happy about.

I was in my last period of the day, also the last class I have for three weeks. Art. I loved this class, it was a great way to start Thanksgiving break. I was painting a abstract piece of a Lily Flower. They were my moms favorite type of flower.

I was in class when I got a text from the family group chat.

Colton 🙃: hey Mads sorry but coach called a extra practice today so I can't take you home go with Sam  

Kade 😈: wait coach called a extra practice????

Colton 🙃: ya bro didn't you see the gc

Sam 💥: wait I can't take her... I have a bio test I'm making up

Me 🌈: then whose taking me?

Maddox ✌️: well Alex, Noah, and I are uh working so we can't and Charles is here to so he can't drive her

Elias 🤠: I can take you home Mads 😏

Me 🌈: should I be scared?

Elias 🤠: you like motorcycles?

Me 🌈: I'll walk. I'll walk. Just don't make me get on a motorcycle with that lunatic. PLEASE!!!!!!

Alex 🥺: sorry sis. Good luck.

Elias 🤠: no can do sis......see you at 2:30

It was now 2:30, I was dreading this. I looked around the front of school and saw Elias in front of a motorcycle. That's it I'm going to die.

"Heyyyyy sis like the new ride" he asked sarcastically.

^^^Elias's Motorcycle

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^^^Elias's Motorcycle

"I can't believe dad let you buy that. Do you even have a motorcycle license?"

He just smirked "get on"

"No way, im not going anywhere near that death machine or the motorcycle" I told him sarcastically.

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