l21l I Would

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"You're crazy and I'm insane for bringing you here," Anthony says as he parks his car and getting out of it, "Don't you have school? What time should I bring you home?" Anthony asks Kei who rolls his eyes as he gets out of the car.

"I'm not a kid," Kei tells him which made Anthony laugh.

When they both got out of the car, Kei looks around and see a lot of people with really nice and expensive cars. Anthony brought Kei to a street race where you'll be. This is the first time Kei has ever seen one except those in the movies.

There were so many people, some had their music out loud, some were dancing, some were making out, some were talking and laughing. Some were getting ready to race and etc. Some of the girls here were wearing some revelling outfits which made Kei wonder if you were also and he didn't like that though.

He doesn't like you wearing revealing clothing that show off parts of your body that no one other then he should see but he knows that he can't tell you what you can or can't wear. It will just cause problems but the doesn't mean he can't tell you what he thinks about it.

"Yo! Anthony! You made it!" a guy says as he notices Anthony. He walks up to him as Anthony smiles. They both hug, "I was wondering when you'll show up," he says but then he notices Kei, "And who's this? Never saw you as the type to cheat. Mitsuo is here you know? Mitsuo would kill him if he finds out," he says which made Anthony laugh.

"He's not my type," Anthony says, "No offence," Anthony says looking at Kei who shakes his head as he was glad that he's not Anthony's type.

"No taken," Kei says.

"Luke, this is Kei Tsukishima, he's... new here," Anthony tells him which has Luke checking Kei from head to toe.

"Kei Tsukishima, huh?" Luke says, "The name is Luke. Just Luke. No need for last names. Around here I'm either called Luke or 2B," Luke tells him as he puts his hand out for a handshake which Kei shakes.

"Why 2B?" Kei ask which made Luke smirk.

"That's a story for another time," Anthony tells him, "Hey, Luke, where's the princess?" Anthony asks which has Luke clap his hands together.

"Well, she should be here soon," Luke tells him, "She went out for a race. She has a kid with her in the car as well but her cousin is over there," Luke tells him as he points as X who's standing by his car with Soleil leaning on him as he's giving her a gentle back hug.

Next to them is two other people, a female and male. It was Mitsuo and his sister, Sakura.

Before Kei could ask or say anything, the sound of a car is heard and everyone steps out of the way as they see a car drive really fast towards them. The people were cheering when they saw whose car it was. The car then drifts quickly and stops.

"Excuse me," Luke says to both Anthony and Kei, "And we have our winner!" Luke yells and everyone cheers as the driver steps out of the car. A couple of seconds later, another car shows up and parks right in front of the first one.

The car that made it first was yours and as you step out, you lean on the car door as you watch the driver of the other car get out. Kei looks at you and sees how you're not dressed like most girls here. Your wearing jeans, a shirt and a jacket.

"Every single time!" the guy who was in the other car says with a smile as he admits to defeat. 

You laugh as you close your car door. One the passenger side, the door opens to reveal Lucien with a very bright smile. She's wearing a helmet that she takes off as she runs towards her sister who smiles.

"And here's the money you won," Luke says as he hands you the cash which you take with a smile, "What happened to the other one?" Luke asks you.

"Crashed into a building and then his car flipped and don't know what happened after so either badly injured and in the hospital or dead or arrested," you tell him and he nods.

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