l52l What's A Period

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"Tsukki, what was on that letter?" Yamaguchi ask as they both step out of the company building that Ko works in.

"A declaration of war," Kei answers and Yamaguchi doesn't question it further as Ko said, the less you know the better. "Yams. I'm sorry for dragging you into this but I want to say thank you for being my friend and being there for me even though there was times I was a pretty shitty friend towards you," Kei says which made Yamaguchi smile.

"It's okay Tsukki. You could have easily lied to me and I would have went along with it but you decided to tell me the trust. You trusted me enough with it and I'm glad you did as I was able to help. But... Just like Ko, I don't want to be part of it and if possible, keep both of us out of it please," Yamaguchi ask and Kei nods as he also doesn't want to involve his best friend in this mess.

He can now sort of understand how you were back then. How you were afraid of getting those you care about in dangerous situations.

"But that doesn't mean we have to stop being friends. You're in love with (Name) and she has no plan on leaving her family and you're okay with joining hers and I don't see a problem with it. We can be friends but as long as you don't tell me about any important information," Yamaguchi says and Kei nods.

"Thanks, Yamaguchi," Kei says and next thing they both knew, police cars start to show up. Both childhood friends where confused when they saw the officers get out of the car and rush in the building.

"Ko..." Yamaguchi says worriedly as his girlfriend is in that building and police officer did run inside. Yamaguchi runs inside the building with Kei behind him. "Stacy!" Yamaguchi says as he runs up to the front desk.

"Yamaguchi," the woman says as she knows full well who he is. Everyone knows who Yamaguchi is. He's the boyfriend of the CEO's daughter.

"What's going on? Why is the police here?" Yamaguchi ask worriedly, "Is Ko alright?" 

"I don't know. But one of the security went to the surveillance room for his shift to see everyone in their dead. So we called the police and everyone is evacuating and letting the police take care of it," Stacy says and then a police officer ask them to evacuate the building as it's now a crime scene.

Yamaguchi took out his phone to call Ko so see if she's okay and to know where she is. Kei was right behind him until he felt a hand on his shoulder and something harp on his back, "Follow me quietly and you get to see your girlfriend but make any time of movement or something I don't like then (Name) and your baby is good as dead," the person behind Kei says.

"Lead the way," Kei says as he doesn't care. This is the fastest way to get to you and he'll take any consequence but he's not an idiot. Oh, no. He needs to be alive when he kill Xavier and gets you back. He needs to get you and his unborn child before Xavier kill him or her and Kei will make his death even worse than what he already has planned.




"Anthony," Yoshi says quietly as he watches Anthony place a warm blanket on Lola who's sleeping peacefully on the couch. Anthony looks at Yoshi, "A moment, please," Yoshi ask and Anthony nods.

He walk past the big hospital bed which Soleil and all three of her kids along with Lucien and X are one. The kids are in the middle while Soleil and X were at the edge. Soleil have some needle in her. They all have a blanket over them and they were sleeping as well.

Yoshi and Anthony both leave the room and stand in the halls. Anthony leans in the wall and Yoshi start questioning him about a few things and Anthony answers honestly. After that Anthony hears about what happened with Juliet and Kumi.

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