l63l Your Pull Game Is Weak

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[All I gotta say is that I've been watching too much Tik Tok (TT ^TT) and that I have added something in here that I have seen a lot of Tik Tok so if you read it and notice what it is, then you are the real people and for those who don't understand it (if you don't have Tik Tok or I'm just horrible at describing it, I'm sorry). NOW BACK TO THE STORY XD].

"Oh, Okay-No,"Kei says quickly as he stands up from his seat, confusing your family members, "E-Excuse me for a moment. I'm going to get myself another drink," Kei tells them with a nervous laugh.

He looks to his side, to the person that was sitting next to him. Rita. She gives him a smirk and Kei just walks away and goes inside your grand-grandparents home as everyone was outside.

Some family members were sitting down and drinking while chitchatting about anything while other were eating. There's some that were playing music and dancing. The kids running around and playing.

Some were inside on the couches talking but mostly the kids were inside. There's a lot of rooms and Kei remembers you saying something about wanting to change as you were going to participate in some competition that's going to happen in two hours so he goes to the room that you'll both be staying, hoping you're there.

Once he goes into the room he sees you tying up your shoe laces, "Kei?" you saw as you finish up quickly. You stand up and look at him worriedly because his expression is of one that shows if he has seen a ghost or something.

"I don't know if it's all the beer your uncles made me drink that's making me overthink things or the fact that I'm just misunderstanding things or just very uncomfortable," Kei says which you didn't understand.

Is your family a little overwhelming for him?

"Okay, one; you weren't drinking much and I know drunk you and you ain't drunk. Second; overthinking and misunderstand are sort of the same so I got nothing to say for that and lastly, what's or who is making you uncomfortable?" you ask him as you walk up to him, grabbing the beer from his hand and putting it aside.

Kei sighs and sits down on the bed and lays down as if he has an exhausted day, "Your aunts and female cousins are all nice, loud, sassy and just the usual I guess. I mean, it's been two days since we been here. If we're counting the other two days then it's been four days we're been here and I'm getting use to everyone here and I'm sure I got everyone liking me, especially the kids," Kei says and you sit down next to him when when you heard how the girls like him, you got on top him and sat on him.

Kei looks at you with a smile, "We've talked about this. No need to get jealous," Kei tells you with a chuckle which made you pout.

"Any who, what about my cousins and aunts?" you ask him as you go back at the subject at hand as you wonder why they did or why Kei brought it up.

"Well, remember you told me about this whole innocent flirting?" Kei ask you and you nod while he sits up and wraps his arms around your waist.


"Well, you were right. It was innocent and everyone was just having fun. It was mostly teasing then flirting but your one cousin is making me really uncomfortable that I just don't know what to do," Kei tells you which sort of gave you an idea which cousin he's talking about.

"Can I ask which one?" you ask him, trying your best not to sound like a person who's going to commit murder on the person who Kei names.

"I think her name was... Oh, Rita I think," Kei says and he could see it on your face that you were ready to commit murder, "(Name)?" Kei says wondering if you'Re okay.

"What exactly is she doing?" you ask.

"Well, she has very touchy and getting way too close to my liking and I have been backing away and giving her signals which clearly shows that I'm uncomfortable and when you left to get change, I was just talking with your uncles like normal, having a few laughs and everything and then she randomly places her hand on my thigh and moved it towards--"

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