l59l It's A Surprise~

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"You came," you say when you see Mitsuo getting himself some food. He's wearing a suit and his hair is short as he got a haircut. He's looking really good and I mean, both ways. For one, he looks healthy and second, he's handsome.

"(Name)," Mitsuo says as he looks at you. He checks you out from head to toe. You have also gotten yourself a nice haircut as your hair was getting a little too long for your liking. Your wearing light makeup and a beautiful short summer dress that looks good on you.

"How was Canada?" you ask him as you look at the food on the table.

"It's a nice place. Good people. Polite and they like to say sorry a lot too but there were a few cool people but Anthony isn't there," Mitsuo tells you and you sigh.

"Really? I thought he would be," you tell him, "He said how he wanted to give Lola a good life and it would start off with a good education and Canada is known to be in first place for the country the most educated, Japan coming in second," you tell him and Mitsuo just shakes his head and eat some food.

Right now, you're both at a wedding, Kumi and Juliet's wedding which is amazing. Some people are dancing, talking, laughing, taking pictures and just having fun as it's a wedding. Speeches will be said soon.

"I'm sure things between you and Tsukishima has been going great," Mitsuo says with a smile and you nod with a light blush.

"Yeah... It sort of makes me regret the fact I couldn't fully trust him in the past because if I did, things might have been a little different but I'm just glad that we're together now," you admit, "Even though I can't give him a child," you say quietly which Mitsuo heard.

"I'm sure Tsukishima wouldn't care. Whether the child is related or not. As long as you're both raising it together as a family but how about getting marriage first -- of course I know that he wouldn't cheat on you nor would you on him-- Unless you want to get a kid before marriage and have them watch the wedding when you both decide to get married," Mitsuo says which made you giggle.

"You're right. As long as he's here with me but... You do know that Anthony has adopted Lola as his own. If you find him, I believe he still loves you and thinks about you and that you'll be together but will you be okay with Lola?" you ask.

Mitsuo smiles gently, "A daughter? Doesn't sound so bad if you ask me," he tells you which made you smile. "I just hope wherever he is, he's safe, as well as Lola. He's doing this for her. He wants her to have a good future and I understand that. He wants her to have an education and grow up without any worries," Mitsuo tells you which got you thinking...

"Mitsuo! You're back!" Sakura yells which got his attention.

"Sister calls," Mitsuo tells you and then leaves to see his sister.

A place where he wants Lola to have a good education... A place where it's safe... you tell yourself as you start to think of countries until you thought of one.

"What got you thinking so hard?" you heard a voice. You look to your side to see Kei and smile.

"I think I might know where Anthony is," you tell him and he smiles because he knows how much Anthony means to you. He's your best friend after all and if you care deep about him, he Kei cares as well.

"Where?" he ask.

"I'm confident bout this one so I'm thinking of going there myself with Mitsuo as I'm sure he'll want to go but it would be nice if you came as well. It's beautiful there," you say ad Kei chuckles.

"A trip doesn't sound so bad," he says and you smile. 

You quickly peck his lips and take his head and take him to the dance floor which he was trying to convince you not to take him there.

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