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The next day Jungkook woke up earlier then usual his alarm not having gone off yet he hopped out of bed literally then went and took a shower then picked out an outfit and changed then turned into his bunny form and snuck downstairs creeping up on his mom.

    He got right behind her then turned human again and yelled "BAH" and scared the living hell out of here she jumped up if she would have jumped 2 inches taller she would have hit her head on the ceiling Jungkook laughed his butt of earning a cuff in the back of the head and a dirty look.

   He continued to laugh for a little while then helped his mom make breakfast while doing so he asked "hey mom? When is dad going to get back" his mom shrugged then said "I'm honestly not sure I hope soon but you know he's busy".

   Jungkook looked down for a moment before saying "yeah I know it's not like I'm mad at him because he's not around much I just miss him" while pouting she petted Jungkook between his ears before saying "yeah me too kiddo now let's finish this then eat so we can eat and you can get to school" Jungkook nodded his head in agreement.

   Finally they finished eating Jungkook ran up to his room grabbing his bag and beanie and putting them on then he grabbed his phone looking at the time and saying "well time to go" he jumped down the staircase saying "bye mom love you see you after school" giving her a kiss on the head and walking out the door "okay honey see you later love you too and be careful" Jungkook nodded and smiled.

   Jungkook saw Taehyung waiting in front of his house he smiled a closed smile "when'd you get here did you wait long?" Jungkook asked Taehyung shook his head and said "not long let's go" Jungkook nodded his head walking along with Taehyung to school.

  "How's you're foot doing?" Taehyung asked "oh it's doing good it does still kinda hurt. It it's healing really fast for some reason?" Jungkook said.

   They got to school and talked with the rest of the guys for a while they started doing this everyday it's been 2 months of them getting close and just hanging out.

  One day as Jungkook was walking down the hall and he saw a student from his old school it was his first day here but he was one of the people who knew what Jungkook's animal was and one of the people who also hated Jungkook.

   He looked around and saw his friends he ran to them and hide behind Taehyung since he's the tallest and biggest he took the back of Taehyungs shirt and slightly rubbed it on him confusing Taehyung and his friends Jungkook angrily and scaredly whispered "look forward act like I'm not here" they were all confused but they could tell he was saying it for a reason so they did it.

   The guy sniffed the air thinking he smelled Jungkook but only caught Taehyungs sent and everyone else's after not picking up Jungkook's sent continued on through the school it was time for class and Jungkook was scared shitless.

  As they sat their Jungkook sat very close to Taehyung a little too close so Taehyung was rubbing up against him whenever he moved Jungkook was confusing the others they could see that Jungkook was terrified he also kept yawning.

    "Okay Jungkook what the hell are you doing?" Taehyung asked "is it really not that obvious?" Yoongi said surprising the others Yoongi looked at them then (🤦🏻‍♀️) then continued "the new student here is from Jungkook's old school I'm guessing and I'm also going to guess he's not a friend so you keep sitting very close to Taehyung and you keep rubbing up against him to cover your scent because his is strong".

   They all sat there for a moment before Yoongi said "am I right" Jungkook looked down at his chest then Taehyung then Yoongi then Taehyung then said "I- uh- yeah but I also didn't even notice I was doing that or how I knew to do that" Jungkook finished saying that then gave an awkward smile to Taehyung then back a way a little sinking into his own seat.

   They we're walking to their last class in that day they all luckily had this class together so all 7 of them usual just walked to class together.

    As they were walking they heard someone behind them say "HEY JUNGKOOK" then they heard Jungkook say "shit" they all turned around slightly to see a fox smirking at Jungkook then they saw Jungkook slowly turn all the way around and say "hey...Henry".

   "What's up co-" Henry started but was cut off by Jungkook "please don't call me that you know I hate it"  "awe come on but that name suits you so well" Henry said Jungkook took deep breaths then turned to his friends and said "meet me at class I'll be there in a while" Jungkook put on a fake half smile they all nodded tho unaware if they should really go.

   Jungkook walked forward grabbing Henry's hand and pulling him to the bathroom after Jungkook saw no one was in there he said "okay Henry what do you want" "wow you got a lot of guts coming in here alone with me cottontail" Henry said he could sense the anger and scaredyness(I didn't know what word to use so I used that😂🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️) rising in him.

  "So what do you want" Jungkook asked "oh me nothing well just to see you suffer"Henry said while smirking "okay how about we make a deal" Jungkook proposed "what kind of deal" he asked "how about you keep my animal a secret and you don't bully or attack me and I'll be your slave kinda" Jungkook proposed.

   Henry thought about it for a moment then said "sure yeah but you have to sit next to me at lunch and you have to sit like a little bunny and you have to get me lunch got it cottontail" Jungkook nodded his head then said "but this is only in school" he thought about it then said "fine".

   "Can I have a hug cottontail" Henry asked "is that an order or a question?" Jungkook asked "both" he answered Jungkook tilted his head then put his arms out and went to hug Henry.

   Henry went to hug him back but when he did instead he took one swift motion and punched Jungkook in the gut really hard cause him to reach for his gut and crumple to the ground.

   Henry laughed at Jungkook then left Jungkook sat on the floor for another moment then he heard the bathroom door open some tears in his eyes a little blood on his mouth from coughing up blood from the punch.

    He thought it was Henry so he said "do you need something Henry?" But then he heard a deep voice say " what the hell? Are you okay?" that voice caught him off guard Jungkook was shaking and had his hand on the place he was punched.

  Jungkook felt himself being picked up he was set on the counter then came eye to eye with Taehyung they held eye contact for a moment but then Jungkook put his head down.

   "Who did this was it that Henry guy I swear I'll-" Taehyung started but was cut off "yeah it was but please don't do anything" "but he" Taehyung started but Jungkook shook his head "fine I won't do anything but at least please tell me what happened".

   "Well uh- I made a deal with him then he asked for a a hug so I tried to give him one and he punched me and left" Jungkook explained while a tear rolling down he's cheek Taehyung gave Jungkook a tight hug scaring Jungkook for a second but then he calmed down slightly but then said "calm down i can't breath" through a strained breath Taehyung loosened his grip then said "uh sorry".

   They sat their for another moment in the hug before they went back to class and sat down "are you okay? Did something happen" Namjoon asked "do I need to beat someone up" Seokjin interjected Jungkook shook his head but then was attacked by Jimin pulling him into a violent hug.

Wild yet Calm ~Taekook~ [on hold]Where stories live. Discover now