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It was lunch time Jungkook was walking with his head slightly down his friends could sense the sad and guiltiness in him.

Jungkook walked past his friends who were calling him to come sit down with them Jungkook put his head up but then saw Henry waving to him so he put his head back down and walked over to Henry.

"Yes Henry do need anything" Jungkook asked "yeah go get me lunch" Henry ordered Jungkook nodded his head then went and got Henry lunch Henry looked at it then said "what the hell is this" then dumped the food all over Jungkook's head then said "go get me more" Jungkook nodded his head then went and got more.

Most people in the cafeteria looking at them most laughing at Jungkook Taehyung stood up fast but Namjoon put his hand on Taehyung's arm while shaking his head lightly Taehyung sat back down with a huff.

The rest of the day Henry asked Jungkook to go get him drinks or snacks randomly this continued for another month or so and whenever Henry got something he didn't like he would throw or dump it on Jungkook.

One day Taehyung was outside he was walking around the house to go inside when he heard his mom and another girl talking "hey Neighbor so uh how olds your son?" He heard his mom asked "ah Jungkook, he will be 16 in 3 days" Taehyung had stopped walking when he heard the name Jungkook.

The next day at school Henry wasn't there yet so they got to hang out "Jungkook why didn't you tell us your birthday was in two days?" Taehyung asked "wait you're birthdays in two days!" Hoseok and Jimin said at the same time "yeah I didn't think it was that big of a deal" Jungkook said plainly while shrugging "uh yeah it is" Hoseok Jimin and Seokjin said at the same time.

"We should do something like going somewhere or coming over to your house"Jimin said excitedly I Jungkook thought about it for a moment then grabbed his phone and texted his mom.


When's the next time your going to work?

Today why?

Oh nothing.... anyways can my friends come over

Honey I don't know

Come on please they don't know I'm a bunny and you and Appa won't be home so I can pretty easily hide that I'm a bunny pleaseeee🙏🏻

Ugh fine but you better not make a big mess you do you clean it and I'm not helping

Thank you Eomma🙏🏻😁

Yeah yeah

Jungkook set his phone back down then looked up at his friends and said "yeah you guys can come over" Hoseok Jimin and Seokjin cheered a little Taehyung silently cheered to himself while Yoongi and Namjoon watched the others bring cheerful however Yoongi was excited because he was hoping to see a pic of Jungkook to see his animal.

Soon after that Henry came so Jungkook left but the boys continued to talk "you guys realize he never gave his address right?" Namjoon said "oh his address is ******" Taehyung said "how'd you know that" Jimin said while smirking "we live close by so I know where his house is" Taehyung said calmly.

Later that day Taehyung waited for Jungkook outside of school Taehyung smelled Jungkook he was stressed then he saw Jungkook running towards Taehyung he got next to him and didn't stop running instead he grabbed Taehyung's hand and kept running.

"Jungkook what's going on?" "Run" was all Jungkook said they ran half way to there houses "Jungkook what's going on" Taehyung said while stopping Jungkook finally stopped he was very out of breath.

"Jungkook! What's going on?" Taehyung asked again "Henry, Henry happened he tried to beat me up so well I ran"

After this they both continued to walk home hand in hand not noticing they hadn't unhooked their hands they got to the house and he tried to open the door but it was locked so he looked in his bag then felt his pockets then groaned "what is it?" Taehyung asked "I forgot my keys again so I'm going to have to go through my window.

They walked over to the tree next to Jungkook's room Jungkook stood next to one of the branch's then was about to jump when Taehyung said "can you really jump up to that branch that's about 4 feet tall" Jungkook shrugged while nodding.

Jungkook walked towards Taehyung and grabbed his wrist and pulled him under the tree and said "okay stand right their I'm going to run and jump and when my foot is in your hands push up wards got it" Jungkook said Taehyung nodded his head in understanding.

Jungkook walked a little bit away from Taehyung then turned around and started running he stepped into Taehyung's Taehyung pushed up a little bit launching Jungkook up he grabbed one of the branches and pulled himself and continued to climb until he got to the top and once he did he tried to open his window more so he could get it in but it was locked.

He looked back at Taehyung and said "it's locked so it's not open much so I have to change forms so look away" Taehyung huffed then said "come on can't I just see" Jungkook shook his head.

Taehyung turned around Jungkook changed into his bunny form and hopped through the window and hopping down the stairs and turning back into a human and unlocking the door as he did he felt a sharp pain in his ear he dropped to the ground in a crouch and sat there for a second then he opened the door then said "come in".

Jungkook ran up to his room taking off his beanie and wig and putting just a hood on to cover everything but his ears were to tall so he went to his moms room and grabbed one of her head bands putting it on then walking back downstairs he pulled his hood down and tied the strings so his hair and ears were covered.

Wild yet Calm ~Taekook~ [on hold]Where stories live. Discover now