35th Week Part 2

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The men went downstairs as the doorbell rang, Yi Seo gets the door thinking it was the noodles that's she ordered but to her surprised it was Seung Kwon and Hyeon Yi, they excitedly removed their shoes and wear the cotton house slippers, in carrying plastic bags filled with hot cook food.

"Tada! I believe you needed a company," Hyeon Yi give greet her with a quick hug while Seung Kwon squeezes her arms with acknowledgment, "I'm sorry Yi Seo we didn't have time to visit you last time in the hospital because of hectic schedules, that's why we are going to make it up tonight" she smile going to the kitchen.

"We bought your favorite cravings, we have tteokbokki, gimbap, bibimbap, and bulgogi," Seung Kwon said showing her the food inside the plastic bag.

"Oppa and Unnie" Yi Seo's eyes become watery, her friends are always there when she needed them the most, she quickly wipes away her tears.

"Oh, you're ready for dinner?" Hyeon Yi commented after seeing the table set up already, she transfers the food to the serving plates and added two more sets of utensils on the long table in the dining area.

"Good evening everyone! What a surprise, both of you are here for dinner!"Saeroyi said from the staircase, beside him is an unfamiliar man for the couple.

"Good evening," the couple greeted with a respectful bow, their eyes wander at the handsome and equally tall man beside their boss.

"Sorry hyungnim, we didn't know that you have a visitor tonight" Seung Kwon apologizes.

"No, it's alright the more the merrier! By the way, this is a good friend of ours in New York, Jason Lee" Saeroyi introduce him to his friends, "and these are my good and loyal friends, Seung Kwon and Hyeon Yi" he said.

The two bows and intended to handshake Jason, but Jason hugs them, "this is how we do it in America" he said in a jolly voice.

"Let's all take a seat and have dinner, shall we?" Saeroyi invites everyone. The group enjoys their food and for the first time since last month, Yi Seo genuinely feels happy tonight.

"So you both are the infamous loyal friends of Saeroyi? I heard about the two of you in New York, I am so lucky tonight I am around rich and hardworking people! The pioneers of IC corporation! Amazing!" Jason complimented to them, Sueng Kwon feels a little bit bashful because of their accomplishment.

"Thanks to our boss, who believed and trusted us with his whole heart." Hyeon Yi said proudly, and added, "how about you Mr. Lee tell us something about yourself?"

"You all can call me Jason, I don't mind and please tell me if I am offensive in any way because I'm raised in America and I honestly forgot the rules and tradition here in Korea," he begins, "I am a project operation manager of the beer that supplies DamBan New York, I am a happily married man with an adorable daughter, actually I already miss them so much!" he said pang of loneliness enters his eyes when he mentions his family when Saeroyi saw it as he lightens up the mood.

"Hey, guys you won't believe who looks like his wife!" Saeroyi exclaims, "Jason show them the picture of your wife. Jason takes out his phone from his pocket and opens his gallery photo, he chooses their family photo and showed it to Sueng Kwon and Hyeon Yi, the two looks at the photo and gape their mouth open in disbelieve.

"Wow! Deabak! Your wife looks like Emma Watson!" Hyeon Yi admires, while Seung Kwon smiles like a fan, truth is he had no idea who is Emma Watson, he is just fascinated by the beautiful wife of Jason.

"Yah! You are also lucky! Your wife is seriously beautiful," he shakes his head in disbelief, while Hyeon Yi playfully hits his head and said "Yah! Stop your fascination with beautiful girls!"

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