36th Week

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Jeong Min stir from her unconsciousness, she was on her room when she opens her eyes, vision starts to become clear and the faces around hovering around her looks to her with concern, especially her daughter whose eyes have dried tears and she looks at the third person besides his son-in-law,

"Yi Seok?" her voice is unsure but her guts are telling her differently.

"O-om-ma?" Jason's voice shakes, a vision of his vivid childhood enters in his mind.  His mother calling his name and a crying girl who is screaming in a shrill voice calling him to come back. The little girl that he is always playing with, the little girl that he always takes care of, giving her ice cream if she cries, giving him comfort when he is sad because he can hear their parents shouting at each other. The little girl that has the same set of eyes and nose as him.

His eyes met the set of wet eyes the same as him those eyes reflect pain but hopeful, his eyes are mirroring him.

"Y-Yi- seo?" he said finally recognizing his sister! The girl that he was playing with! Gone with the baby chubby cheeks, and child feature now in front of his is a grown-up lady! A beautiful and smart lady! Everything is coming back now to him, he thought it was only his dream before! That's why ever since arriving in America he had introverted personality, he never opens himself to anyone because he was bullied since joining the school. He can't understand their language and every time his classmate will talk to him he feels like in the other world because he doesn't know what they're talking about, and when he was thirteen his father remarried a kind woman for slowly creeps into his heart and treats him like her own child, he started to establish his personality and have his own identity and forget about the bad memories in the past, up until now that he recognizes the old woman that he always called at night crying "Omma!Omma!" and the final words that he utters before leaving them "I promise I will come back!"

It dawned on him his broken promise that he had forgotten! Why did he forget it? Did his heart feel numb because of the pain he felt seventeen years back?

"O-Oppa?" Yi Seo eyes can't help but produce fresh tears again! It is so surreal, she can't believe that this moment is happening. Last month she just knew the truth about having a big brother after seeing a person that looks like her father. Now the man whom she treats as a good friend and a brother is her real long lost brother! She felt so happy that she thought her heart will explode with joy! She slowly smiles while tears fall on her cheeks, she slowly extends her hand, reaching his cheeks, slowly touching it making sure he is not a dream.

"Are you Yi Seok Oppa?" her voice is now firm and sure, a statement rather than a question.

He nodded his head, a lump on his throat feels like blocking his airway "I guess so," he returns the smile and commented, "my little sister is not a kid anymore! You have grown up into a beautiful woman! I'm so proud of you!" finally gathering her in his arms letting his tears freely fall on his cheeks, he gives her a sisterly kiss on her cheeks and when he felt her swollen belly he laughs and releases her "and I have my nephew and niece!" Stroking her belly and his eyes collided with a pair of warm black eyes that is also wet with unshed tears "Plus I have a brother-in-law that I considered as my real brother!" he also hugs tightly Saeroryi thankful to the heaven that he is finding his long lost family!

"Welcome to the family, Hyeong-nim!" he teases the younger man than him, patting his back

"Yi Seok?" Jeong Min's voice called him. Jason finally turns his attention to his long lost mother, he walks towards her and kneels because she is sitting on her bed. Jeong Min drown herself at the sight of her long lost son! He turns up to be what she imagines, tall and handsome just like his father and sister. She reaches her hands to him, feeling the warmness of his hands she squeezes it.  Her hands' involuntary travels to his face, touching him, touching his eyes, nose, cheeks, and ears then it continues to travel to his broad shoulders and strong arms until she could not bear it anymore and gather him to her arms.

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