Chapter 1: Little Red

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Quick A/N before you begin this story. When Arlo is speaking telepathically, the text "will be bold & in quotes".
When Arlo speaks using sign language, "it will be Italics & in quotes"

Arlo jolted awake, covered in sweat as he rapidly checked his surroundings. He was still inside his room, at Beacon Academy, but most importantly, he was safe. Arlo took a few deep breaths as he hugged his knees, shaking on his bed. The same dream, a twist on his memory of what had happened, like it always was.

Arlo absentmindedly began to rub his neck, sending tingles through his body as his fingers touched the scars that covered the lower portion of his neck. He felt a tear run down the right side of his cheek, and he rubbed that away before calling on Alistair.

Alistair materialized on his bed in his puppy form, nuzzling against Arlo's chest as he wrapped his arms around the pup. Just having Alistair in his arms would help Arlo relax, and it was always a morning routine whenever Arlo's birthday was approaching.

A gentle knock on his door caused Alistair to growl, but he stopped when Port opened the door and walked in. Arlo had been living with Professor Port for a few years now. Port owned a house that was built on the campus property, which allowed some of the teachers to remain on school property if they chose.

Port: "Good morning Arlo! Rise and shine! Today is another glorious day!"

Arlo flopped backwards in bed, rolling his eyes as Port pulled open the curtains to his room.

Port: "After all, it's not everyday you get to properly attend Beacon!"

Arlo pulled the covers over his head, while Alistair tilted his head to the side while staring at Port. Port turned around, his bushy beard twitching before shaking his head. He walked over to the bed, counted on his fingers for Alistair, and then ripped the blankets away. Instantly, Alistair pounced and began kissing Arlo's face, causing the boy to smile as he playfully wrestled with the large pup. Arlo eventually managed to hold back the excited pup, giving a playful glare while silently mouthing a word.

Arlo: "Traitor."

Port: "Arlo... did you have that dream again?"

The playful nature vanished as Arlo gave a slow nod while keeping his face away from Port. With a knowing nod, Port sat on the edge of the bed and placed his hand on Arlo's shoulder.

Port: "Lad, I wish I could make these vanish. Take the time you need, I'll have breakfast ready downstairs."

Port was about to get up when he felt Arlo take hold of his hand. Arlo looked to him, giving a small smile before signing with one hand.

Arlo: "Thank you."

Port's moustache rose up with a smile before leaving Arlo's room. Arlo slowly crawled out of bed, changing into his regular outfit while leaving the scarf down from his mouth.

Arlo was just about to leave, when he paused and stared at his closet door. His expression hardening with hatred, he pulled open a small latch that was hidden inside the wood of the door, to reveal a hidden compartment. Inside was an old binder wrapped in black leather that was beginning to show its age. Alistair gave a quiet yip from the bed as Arlo pulled the binder open.

Inside the binder contained multiple folded pieces of paper that were stuck to one large sheet of paper that had one word written in Arlo's writing.

Who are the Serpents?

He could feel his blood start to boil as he began to examine everything he had gathered about the Serpents for the past sixteen years. Mostly they were printouts of articles that mentioned them. Some even were able to give him names. Cobra, Anaconda, Viper... those were the three names he could find.

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