Chapter 4: The First Step

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Arlo bolted upwards, waking up after having the same nightmare again. He instinctively placed his hand over his eyepatch, feeling the phantom pains of losing his eye as he curled up into a ball. Arlo closed his eye and forced himself to take slow and deep breaths, trying to stop his shaking.

Ruby: "Arlo? Are you ok?"

Arlo jumped in surprise as Ruby knelt beside him, taking hold of his hand and giving a gentle squeeze. Arlo stared at their interlocked hand for a few moments, before giving a slow nod while trying to avoid her gaze.

Ruby: "Don't lie to me Arlo. You're obviously not ok. Can I help?"

Arlo withdrew his hand, bowing his head down as he shook his head. Ruby bit her lip, feeling troubled that he was trying to block her out. She knelt down beside him, tapping his shoulder until he finally looked at her. Ruby's eyes widened when she saw Arlo's eye was watering up, near the verge of tears.

Ruby: "Oh, Arlo... please."

Arlo: "You can't help with this Ruby. This is an old wound that will never heal."

Ruby squeaked as she held her head, wincing a little as Arlo's words echoed in her brain. Arlo blinked in surprise as the two seemed just as surprised.

Ruby: "D-did you talk? Or did I imagine it?"

Arlo held his head for a moment, his eye wide as he realized what just happened.

Arlo: "Ruby... can you hear this?"

Ruby: "Yeah! But... how?"

Arlo: "I don't know. This is how I speak through Alastair."

Ruby: "Woah, but this is great! I mean, we can talk to each other now."

Arlo gave a small nod, showing a smile for a moment before standing up. He grabbed his stuff and waved to Ruby as he left the auditorium before other students woke up.

Short time skip brought to you by Chibi Ruby and Nora having a pancake eating contest, while Chibi Ren quickly cooks.

Yang and Ruby were preparing themselves in the locker room, as were many other students. Ruby had glanced over to see Arlo sitting on a bench while he checked his ammunition for his sniper. He had several clips with different marking to indicate the type of ammunition. Arlo looked lost in thought as while he worked.

Yang: "So, you seem awfully chipper this morning! Did you and Arlo finally hook up?"

Ruby perked up as she snapped back to Yang. Ruby rolled her eyes as she grabbed her sniper from the locker.

Ruby: "Yep, but not about the two of us. No more awkward small talk or "getting-to-know-you" stuff. Today, I get to let my sweetheart do the talking."

Ruby cuddled her weapon close as she sighed contently. She felt a tap on her shoulder, and she turned to see Arlo. He had his scarf pulled down to his chin, so Ruby could see the amused smirk on his face.

Ruby: "Hi Arlo! What's so funny?"

Arlo: "I've never seen someone so in love with a weapon."

Ruby rolled her eyes as she tucked her sniper away for a moment, putting her hands on her hips as she gave a playful glare at Arlo.

Ruby: "So what if I love my Crescent Rose, don't tell me you're going to judge me for it."

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