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Life used to be amazing. It was filled with happiness and love, but all that changed in the span of one night.

Arlo was only five years old. His parents had taken him out to a carnival to celebrate his birthday. His mother was a teacher at Signal Academy, while his father worked as a professional Huntsman. Ever since Arlo could speak, he would tell everyone that he will become a great Huntsman like his father, and fight to save the entire world.

After a fun filled day at the carnival, the three were walking back to the airship that Arlo's father had rented for today, since he knew how much Arlo loves to fly.

Arlo: "Mum, Papa, thank you! This has been the best birthday ever!"

Father: "You're very welcome, anything for my little hunter on his birthday."

His father ruffled Arlo's hair while his mother kneeled down to kiss his cheek. But it was then Arlo heard something. It was a strange noise that sounded like a snake hissing. Arlo's father also heard it, stepping in front of his family and pulling out his custom revolver. The hissing noise began to get louder, and Arlo's eyes widened in horror as a missile soared threw the sky towards the three of them.

Father: "Get down!!"

His father tackled the three of them backwards, the rocket exploding against the area they were just standing. The rubble showered down around them, and the explosion caused Arlo's ears to start ringing. His mother quickly wrapped her left arm around his waist, while pressing the jewel in her bracelet on her right arm. A large round shield rapidly expanded, while Arlo's father stood behind her with his revolver at the ready.

Mother: "Do you see anyone?"

Father: "No, I- Wait! In the fire!"

Arlo managed to peek above the edge of the shield, his eyes quivering in terror as a silhouette was visible through the flames. It stood to be about seven feet tall, it's arms were as thick as a wooden beam, while the lower portion of its body slimmed.

Mother: "Th-That's no Grimm..."

Father: "Viper..."

Arlo: "W-Who?"

A menacing laugher could be heard as the figure stepped through to the flames, revealing himself to the family. A Snake Faunus with dark red scaly skin, his piercing red slit eyes.

Arlo's father fired off three rounds, and Viper swiftly evaded the rounds before charging towards them. Arlo's father spun the cylinder of his revolver, causing his gun to elongate into a sword. Viper kept a smirk as the nails on his fingers extended into talons.

Mother: "Arlo, listen to me. Get to the airship, and press the emergency call button. Call for help."

Arlo: "M-Mother?"

His mother rushed towards Viper, her shield spinning up as she got closer. Viper slashed at Arlo's father, before leaping backwards to avoid his mother's shield as it slashed where Viper was standing. His mother clenched her hand, causing the shield to extend spikes along the rim and began to slash at Viper, forcing him back and creating an opening for Arlo.

Arlo took off running towards the airship, which got a dark smirk as Viper blocked the shield from cutting his neck. Arlo's father's eyes widened in horror, spinning around just as Arlo was about to climb into the airship.

Father: "Son! NO!!"

Arlo had pulled open the door, and his eyes widened seeing a large bomb placed on the seat in front of him. The bomb exploded, obliterating the airship and throwing Arlo into the air from the blast. The cockpit blew shrapnel everywhere, and his parents watched in horror as the shrapnel tore through Arlo's small body.

Mother: "BASTARD!!!"

Viper sneered as Arlo's mother began slashing at him, before letting out a sharp gasp. She looked down to see Viper's talons had pierced into her chest. With a shudder, her grip loosened around her shield and let it drop to the floor. Viper tossed her to the side, and was thrown off his feet as Arlo's father shot him. His father charged the Faunus, tears streaming down his face as he scooped up the fallen shield. Viper pushed himself up, letting out a shriek in pain as the razor shield slashed across his face.

Father: "How DARE you?! You can target me all you like, but the moment you hurt my family is the moment you forfeit your life!!"

Viper kept a hand over the slash, leaving one eye visible behind his hand. As he spoke, his voice was deep and would occasionally accent the 's' sounds.

Viper: "You should have known better... to think one death would end the Serpents."

Arlo was struggling to breath as he choked with every breath. His body was burning in pain, tears streaming down his face but unable to make a sound. His vision was blurred by both tears and blood, but he felt a surge of adrenaline as he pushed himself to his feet. He staggered as he attempted to take a step, falling down on his knees.

Suddenly, Arlo heard a scream. His heart froze when he witnessed his own father, was shot through the heart the moment his aura cracked. The blast sent his father off his feet, to land beside his mother who's eyes stared into oblivion with a glassy stare. Viper let out an evil laugh, turning to where the shot came from.

Viper: "Brothers, it's about time you arrived."

Three more figures came to Arlo's sight, but he could barely see who they were. Arlo had started to crawl towards his parents, trying to call out to them but only a gargled noise could be heard.

Shadow 1: "You have disappointed us, Viper."

Viper: "What?! But I-"

Shadow 2: "The ways of Serpents are to be silent, yet lethal. You have broken our creed."

Viper: "P-P-Please! I succeeded! Look! Only the brat is barely alive. I can finish this if-"

Shadow 3: "Correction... We have succeeded in killing Moon and avenging our fallen brother. You weren't supposed to murder the family."

Viper: "No?! Why not?! Blood for blood!"

The shadow in the middle of the three stepped forward, and faster than Arlo could process, sliced with something that gleamed like metal. Viper's voice was suddenly cut out, as his hands grasped around his neck. He then dropped backwards, his neck sliced open with a look of surprise frozen on his face.

Shadow 1: "Now... we have two to replace."

Shadow 3: "Brother... what shall we do about the boy?"

At this point, Arlo had managed to grab hold of his mother, and was nearly to the point of passing out from blood loss and pain. The shadows were beginning to grow in size as they moved towards Arlo. He could partially make out fingers, stretching out towards him, the shadows morphing into horrific monsters.

But then, the sound of a sniper rifle went off, and the shadows began to retreat. Suddenly, Arlo was wrapped in a white cloak. He felt weightless, as someone gently lifted him off the ground. He managed to open one eye to look up, and saw a woman with black hair that had red tips that was tied in a bun, and her silver eyes stared down at him with comfort and worry.

Summer: "Wake up Arlo... it's time to wake up."

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