Chapter 6: Captivity and Catastrophe

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Ahsoka watched as Anakin and Obi-Wan tried to contact master Yoda. Contact was only established for a moment before it cut off, and the captain of the cruiser overhead contacted them and said they were being attacked by enemy ships. The hologram dissapeared and Kenobi turned to face Ahsoka.

"My apologies, young one," Kenobi said. "It's time for a proper introduction."

"I'm the new Padawan learner," Ahsoka replied, "I'm Ahsoka Tano."

"I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi," he said, "your new master."

"I'm at your service, Master Kenobi," Ahsoka said, "but I'm afraid I've actually been assigned to Master Skywalker."

Ahsoka came to, and the last echoes of the dream faded away. She was cuffed at the hands and feet. Her hands were stuck behind her back, and she had a bandana tied around her mouth. She was thrown in with a bunch of cargo, and there were two pirates near her.

She quickly tried to use the Force to pull them off, but the cuffs shocked her. The surge of pain was enough to break her concentration, so using the force to take them off wasn't an option. She then tried to struggle physically to pull them apart with mere strength. That obviously didn't work, sending electric shocks through Ahsoka's body.

"Mmph!" Ahsoka moaned as she rolled around helplessly trying to pull of the cuffs. 

The pirates noticed her.

"Hey, you!" One of them said, "quiet down over there!"

"Hmmph!" Ahsoka kept trying to resist.

The other pirate walked over to her and kicked her in the side.

"Ugh," he said, "this one seems stubborn. Let's just hope it'll be worth it when we sell her off."

Sell me off!?! Ahsoka thought, they're going to sell me off into slavery!! Oh no, I'll never be able to see Lux again!!

The pirate seemed to notice that Ahsoka had an expression of terror on her face, but he just laughed and kicked Ahsoka again.

I'm hopeless, Ahsoka thought, What am I going to do?

Then, another pirate rushed in.

"Sir," he yelled, "we've picked up a Separatist Dreadnought on scanners!"


Grievous stood on the bridge of his flagship, the Invisible Hand, as he approached the ship. His droids were rather... unsatisfactory with their performance, so he often hunted down pirate ships just to use for target practice, in hopes that they may learn something.

"Sir," said a battle droid, "The pirate ship is within range."

"Good," Grievous said. "Get to your battle stations! Use that ship as target practice!"

"Roger roger," the droids all said.


"Get to the shuttle!" a pirate yelled. The pirates all started darting down the hallway.

Ahsoka assumed they probably had Grievous on their tail, as she had heard that he would go around and blow up random pirate ships for seemingly no reason.

Wait a second, Ahsoka thought, this is my chance to escape!

She quickly squirmed into the path of a running pirate, causing him to trip over her and stumble but not fall.

"Hey," yelled the pirate, "what are you doing!?"

Ahsoka closed her eyes.

"You will take these cuffs off of me," she said, using a Jedi mind trick.

"I... will take those cuffs off of you," the pirate complied. He quickly took off the cuffs and hurried off.

Okay, Ahsoka thought, I can't get onto the shuttle with the pirates...

She looked around to see if there was anything she could use.

Then, she saw a stolen Republic V-wing out of the corner of her eye. It seemed partially dismantled, but hopefully the life support was still online.

She quickly ran over to it, hopped into the cockpit, and pushed a few buttons.

The life support was working.

Perfect, Ahsoka thought.

The ship didn't have a hyperdrive installed, but maybe, just maybe, she could last long enough to be saved by scavengers.

A hole was ruptured in the hull of the pirate ship, and the V-wing was sucked out. The fighter hit the side of the hole on it's way out, causing Ahsoka's head to bump against the wall of the cockpit, and she blacked out.

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