Chapter 21: Safe at Last

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Lux was devastated. He had just allowed the love of his life to get captured by the Separatists. He thought she would be okay here, but...

All he could do now was hope she was alright, but even that became impossible when it was discovered that Grievous himself was leading the attack. If she was in fighting condition, maybe she could have fought off the General. But she had been captured and brought to him against his will, and he was sure that Grievous had executed her, or will do so if he hasn't yet.

Lux couldn't help but blame himself. He should have been more careful, but instead, this happened. Lux was crying, as he thought he would never see his love again.

Then, his commlink beeped. It was his private number, but it wasn't from anyone he knew. He patched it through.

"Who is this?" Lux asked.

"Lux, it's Ahsoka."

Lux's eyes widened.

"I've escaped from the clutches of Grievous," she went on to say, "and I'm currently piloting his starfighter. I need you to give me permission to land so that I don't get mistaken for a droid."

"Ahsoka!?!? You survived!?!?"

Lux was surprised. First, she bested Dooku, and now, she escaped from captivity at the hands of Grievous!?

"Yes, Lux," she replied.

"I... I can't believe it! I thought you were a goner!"

"Hey," Ahsoka continued, "Someone could be monitoring this transmission, so just give me the landing code and we can talk in person."

"Okay," Lux said cheerfully, "patching the code through now."

He transmitted the landing code to Ahsoka.

"Thanks a lot, Lux," Ahsoka said.

"Anytime, my love," he replied.

"Again," Ahsoka said, "we could be being monitored! Now's no time for these sorts of compliments!"

Lux giggled. "Alright," he said.


Ahsoka landed the starfighter at the landing area closest to Lux's home. She hoped it wouldn't raise anyone's suspicions that she was in a Separatist vehicle.

She had started to take a liking to the ship. It had all the capabilities of a Jedi starfighter, and plus some. Ahsoka figured she might as well keep the ship.

But that was none of her concern. Right now, she just wanted to be in Lux's arms again, so she ran towards's Lux's residence.

Once she got there, the guards immediately stepped aside to let her in. They were one of the few people that knew she was in exile here.

She walked up the stairs and into Lux's room. She opened the door, and saw the glimmering smile of her soon-to-be husband.

They quickly wrapped their arms around each other and kissed.

"Ahsoka!" Lux said when the kiss broke. "I'm so glad you're alright!"

"Did you ever doubt me?" Ahsoka smirked.

"No..." Lux said. 

But Ahsoka wouldn't have it. She kept the smirk on her face and looked at Lux.

"Yes," Lux corrected his answer.

"Oh, Lux..." Ahsoka said, going in for another kiss.


Grievous slammed his hand on the desk. That little brat! She beat him! And not only took some of the lightsabers from his collection, but she also took his starfighter as well!

There was a beeping noise in the room. Dooku was trying to contact him. Grievous looked around, looking at the scrap that was the yet-to-be-cleaned remains of some of his droids, including his helpful tactical droid.

Grievous patched the communication through, fully aware of the consequences that could happen.

The image of Dooku appeared, and Grievous knelt down.

"What is thy bidding, master?" Grievous said.

"Have you succeeded in executing young Tano?"

"Unfortunately... not," replied the General.

Dooku put on a face that was somewhere between anger and concern, and turned his back the the General.

"Then this... is a problem," Dooku said. "Lord Sidious said that Ahsoka could be a problem to us if she isn't killed or turned. She has bested the both of us, and now... I fear this could create a dent in his plans."

"My apologie-"

Grievous couldn't finish his sentence, as Dooku's hologram disappeared.

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