Chapter 22: Omen of a Fate Foretold

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As the days and weeks went by, the war on Onderon became more and more of a war of attrition, with the Rebels having insufficient resources to combat the Separatists head-on, and the Separatists having a difficult time keeping their occupied areas under their control. In the days immediately after her confrontation, the absence of Grievous's tactical droid was quite exploitable. The rather rash decisions of the General would sometimes lead to defeat without the second opinion of the tactical droid. However, it was evident later on that he received a replacement droid when the Separatist strategies became more competent. 

After gaining some ground back, the rebels and the droids drew to a stalemate. Rumor had it that some of the leading personnel wanted the Clone Army to intervene, which would make it even harder for Ahsoka to hide. Ahsoka had found out that Saw had kept close ties to Anakin and Admiral Yularen, both of which would give away her location and potentially reveal her relationship with Lux.

But that was the least of her worries when the visions started to come.

Ahsoka stood in a dark, grey area. She was in one of the many halls of the Jedi Temple, and it was night outside. Everything was dark, except for the area around Ahsoka, which looked as if it were in a spotlight.

Strange, Ahsoka thought, What is this...

Something about the entire scenario seemed... off. Ahsoka just couldn't put her hands on it. Normally the entire temple was bright and colorful, but everything seemed awry.

Then, Ahsoka had a massive headache. She couldn't tell what it was, but something terrible had happened.

Then, Ahsoka heard footsteps racing in her direction. She turned around to see a small dark shape move right by her, as if trying not to be seen. She guessed it was a youngling. And the presence of this particular one felt... familiar.

The footsteps were rushing again, and the youngling raced by again.

"Wait!" Ahsoka yelled.

The youngling stopped.

"I-I'm scared, Ahsoka," the voice said, "t-they're coming!"

The voice sounded familiar. It was that of a young girl.

"I... you can come out," Ahsoka said, "I only want to help you."

The youngling emerged from the shadows and into the spotlight Ahsoka was in. She saw clearly who it was.

"Katooni?" Ahsoka asked. 

She was a young Tholothian, one of the few she had taken on pilgrimage to Ilum shortly after her extended stay on Onderon and the start of her relationship with Lux.

"Ahsoka? W... why did you come back?" Katooni asked.

Ahsoka didn't get to answer the question, as a blaster bolt whizzed by Ahsoka.

"They're here!" Katooni yelled. "They've found us!"

Several more blaster bolts whizzed by as the scene slowly turned to a blinding white. She couldn't see who was firing at them.

She quickly grabbed Katooni's hand and started running, as her vision slowly gave way to blurry white. She didn't care, she just wanted to hold Katooni's hand and keep running until she was safe.

Ahsoka started to hear the screams of some of the friends she once knew mixed in with the blasters firing and some lightsaber humming.

Soon, Ahsoka lost her grip on the scene. She could no longer feel Katooni's hand, or herself, for that matter.

Then, a voice spoke up. Ahsoka didn't know who it was, but she could tell it was at least female. The words it said were simple, but meaningful.

"Make your choice."

Ahsoka, Daughter of the Light (Book 2): ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now