Chapter 32: Zero Hour

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Impossible. That's all she could think.

Why would the clones do this!?!? Ahsoka thought. They were our friends!!!

Ahsoka let her tears pour out, and Lux ran over to her.

"No," he said, "Stay strong! We have to do this!"

"Lux," Ahsoka said, "You have to leave. This is a Republic military operation, if you're seen here, you could lose your role as a Senator!"

"I don't care," Lux said, "I want to help you!"

"Lux," Ahsoka begged, "you can't put me above everything else! Onderon needs you!"

"If the Republic has done this, then I will not have it!" argued Lux. "I don't want to be a Senator for them!"

"Lux, please-"

"And I'm not just doing this for you, I'm doing this for the Jedi, and for the Galaxy. If I can help even in the slightest, then it will be enough."

They both started to cry.

"I... you... then I'm not going to stop you. Thank you, Lux."

They shared a quick kiss, before running through the halls to save the Jedi.

They didn't have to go very far to find any Jedi, as they quickly came across a young blue Twi'lek  teenage girl, who was fighting off three clone troopers with her blue lightsaber. One was just about to get a shot on her, when Lux blasted him down. The girl put her hands over her ears, thinking that the blast was coming for her, instead of the clone who was about to kill her. The clones quickly turned to face Ahsoka and Lux, who were running towards them.

"Hey, you!" One yelled, before Lux shot him.

The other trooper was paying too much attention to Ahsoka and Lux that the Twi'lek was able to stab him from behind.

"Ahsoka!? Senator Bonteri!?" The girl yelled.

"I know, this is sudden, but I'm here to save you," Ahsoka said in a rush. "What's your name?"

"Mira Nassi," the girl replied.

Given her look, Ahsoka was half-expecting her last name to be Secura, but then she remembered she met her before. She was still a youngling, but was soon to receive a master and become a Padawan. If there would be a master to train her after this, that is.

"You said you were going to save me?" Mira continued.

"Well, yes..."

Then, Ahsoka remembered something from her vision. She had mentioned the Crucible, a ship that was used for pilgrimage to Ilum. The orginal was crashed on Florrum after an unfortunate run-in with Hondo and Grievous, but a second one had been commissioned by the time Ahsoka left the Order.

"Get to the Crucible if you can make it to the main hangar. Leave without me if you have to. I'll try to send more survivors there," Ahsoka said.

Mira nodded, and ran off into the distance.

Ahsoka ran down the hall again and turned a corner to find yet another Jedi. She was running away from them, probably because she thought they were clones.

"Wait," Ahsoka said, "It's me, Ahsoka!"

The Jedi turned around. Ahsoka recognized her, it was Lyda Ran, a good friend of hers. She was a young Mirialan Jedi Knight, a few years older than herself.

"Ahsoka!?" Lyda said.

"Yes, I know, it's a bit surprising, but hear me out. Get to the Crucible, and if you see anyone you can help, take them with you! Leave without me if you have to, I'll explain if I make it."

"What's Senator Bonteri doing here?"

"I'll explain if I make it," Ahsoka repeated.

Lyda nodded and ran off.


"Wait," Saw said, "What do you mean the shuttle crashed!?"

Saw had been hit with a lot of news at once. First, Lux and Ahsoka dissapeared overnight. Then, news reported that Senator Bonteri had been above Coruscant with a passenger, who was Probably Ahsoka, when his shuttle crashed. Then, he heard that the Jedi Temple was on fire!

"I'm afraid that is true," General Tandin said. "they likely died, though it's rather strange."

Of course, Tandin was one of the few who had known of Ahsoka's exile.

Saw grunted. "Why are they doing this? Wait..."

Oh no, Saw thought, could they...

"Did they go to the Temple!?"

A/N: Do you notice anything different?

I mentioned it earlier in an account message, but Qita Y'ue got scrapped since she was someone else's character, and I always felt nervous writing about her. Lyda is her replacement, since she was too important to outright remove. From now on, Lyda Ran will take her place.

Ahsoka, Daughter of the Light (Book 2): ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now