Chapter 17: Surprise Attack

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Ahsoka was outside the meeting as General Tandin talked with Lux and Saw. She couldn't go in, lest anyone find out she was here. She could only press her ear to the wall to hear what was going on.

She could make out the voices of her friends.

"I don't understand," said Saw, "Why have they come back?"

"Last time they left because it was too costly for them to maintain control," Tandin said. "It seems they have... changed their mind."

"Well," she heard Lux say, "what are we going to do?"

Ahsoka saw someone about to walk by her, so she retreated into a shadowy corner. If someone saw her, they might think she would be a Separatist spy, and Lux and Saw would have to spill the beans on the fact that it was the Jedi who helped them last time, but she left the order.

The person passed by, and thankfully didn't notice Ahsoka. She breathed a sigh of releif.

Yet, for some reason, there was still a bit of uneasiness within her. Had she eaten something funky? Was she starting to get sick?

Then, Ahsoka realized what it was. It was her sensing that something bad was about to happen. She hadn't felt this since the incident with the pirates.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Ahsoka muttered to herself.

A guard ran into the building and burst open the door to the meeting room.

"Commandos!" he yelled, before getting shot in the back.

Ahsoka looked at the direction the shot came from. She saw a squad of commando droids leap into the room.

everyone quickly grabbed their blasters, and a fight broke out in the meeting room, but Ahsoka couldn't see it. She was too busy hiding from the droids.

However, one turned to face her.

Oh kriff, I've been spotted!

"Jedi spotted," the droid said. It seems it didn't get the memo that Ahsoka left the Order.

It and two others darted towards Ahsoka. She kicked one in the head, but was kicked in the side by another, causing her to flinch. Before she could recover, another droid hit her in the head and knocked her out.


"Is everyone okay?" Lux said, looking over a room full of deactivated Separatist commando droids. Thankfully, someone had brought a rotary blaster cannon, which made quick work of the droids.

Everyone slowly came out of their hidings spots. There were around seven killed, not including the guards outside.

"Well, that came out of nowhere," Saw said to Lux.

"Yeah, no kidding," Lux replied.

But then, at thought surfaced in Lux's mind.

Where is Ahsoka!? Is she safe!? Is she alright!?

"Hold on a second," Lux said as he walked out of the room. He looked at the corner where Ahsoka had hid.

There was nothing there, no corpses, or deactivated droids.

"Kriff," Lux said to himself, "She's been kidnapped!"

Ahsoka, Daughter of the Light (Book 2): ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now