Chapter 11: The Gift

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Ahsoka Tano woke up to a nice and warm Onderon morning.

Wait, Ahsoka thought, it's morning!?!

She bolted upright and saw Lux standing nearby.

"You're finally awake," he said. "You must have been really exhausted."

"Well, this is the first time since I left the Order that I've slept in a bed."

"Say," Lux said, "how did you even get here?"

"I tried to stow away on a cargo ship, but then I was kidnapped by pirates."

"Oh," said Lux, interrupting her. "I guess you fought your way out, then?"

"No," she said, "Grievous blew up the ship. Barely survived, got picked up by scavengers. Then they took me here."

"Well, that's not as impressive, but, then again, so long as you're here..."

He moved up to Ahsoka and kissed her on the cheek. Ahsoka giggled.

"Hey," Lux said, "I have something for you."

"What is it?"

"Here, let me show you, just close your eyes..."

"Okay..." Ahsoka closed and put her hands over her eyes.

She heard some ruffling around as Lux went to go grab the "something."

"Okay," Lux said, "you can open your eyes now!"

Ahsoka opened her eyes, and was amazed by what she saw.

It was a new combat suit, and was brown and gold, and was clearly Onderonian in origin. As opposed to the dusty or bulky military suits that people like Steela and the rebels had worn, this outfit was much more elegant, and would have made a great suit for a crime lord of the Crimson Dawn, had the brown been shifted to more of a red.

But that wasn't it. Lux was also holding a gold tiara, and it was the exact same one as she had seen being worn by her future self in some of her visions.

Ahsoka was clearly in awe. The only better thing Lux could have given her was a wedding ring.

A tear slid down Ahsoka's cheek, but it was a tear of happiness.

"It looks so... beautiful!!!" Ahsoka said. "I love it!!! How did you even get it!?!?"

"I... I commissioned it for you, saying it was for a friend," Lux replied. "I thought you would need a new suit when you grew out of your old one. I didn't know if Senators could give gifts to Jedi, but I'm sure you'll appreciate it, especially now."

"Oh, Lux, you're too nice! I'll go put it on right now!"


Ahsoka opened the door to Lux's room. Lux looked in awe at Ahsoka, as she looked absolutely stunning in the suit. It was even better than he imagined.

"So," said Ahsoka, striking a pose, "how do I look?"

Lux grinned.

"Like you're ready to take down the entire Separatist droid army with nothing but your bare hands."

Ahsoka grinned, and came closer to Lux, roping his arms around him and pulling him into a kiss.

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