Chapter 25: Premonition of Doom

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"Hey," Lux said, "you having trouble sleeping?"

"No, Lux," Ahsoka replied, "I'm fine."

"Ahsoka, stop saying that!"

"Well okay, I guess I'm still worried abou- Oh..."

Ahsoka's body was filled with a tingling intense sense of relaxation and pleasure as Lux stroked her Lekku. Togrutas tended to have that kind of reaction when their loved ones did that.

"Oh, that feels so good..." Ahsoka said.

"Well, that's what I'm here for," Lux replied.

"Unhhh," Ahsoka moaned, "Ohh, yes..."

Ahsoka very well may have been getting a massage, it felt that good.

Ahsoka let the sensation wash over her until she fell asleep.

"Run!" Ahsoka yelled as she grabbed the hand of a padawan, just narrowly avoiding the explosion of a pillar near her. 

Had they been where they were mere seconds earlier, they would have been crushed to death. Ahsoka looked back to try and see the attackers, but the dust from the pillar collapsing hat yet to settle, masking the attackers, just blaster fire coming from the other side of the dust.

"Move," Ahsoka said, "get to the ship!"

The padawan nodded. He was a human male with black hair, and looked to be no more than 14.

Ahsoka couldn't get a good enough look at him before he ran away.

Ahsoka ran behind him, but they split up and went in different directions. The padawan was headed to the ship, while Ahsoka was on the hunt for more Jedi to rescue.

She ran down the hall, and just as she turned a corner, she almost bumped into two padawans. She recognized both of them. One of them was Whie Malreaux, a human male. The other was Bene, a human female. Ahsoka forgot her last name.

Both of their jaws visibly dropped.

"Ahsoka!?" Both said at the same time.

"No time to explain," she said, "I'm here to help. Get to the Crucible, and if I'm not there by the time you're attacked, leave without me!"

"Why are you here," Whie asked, "didn't you leave the order!?"

"I'll explain it to you if I make it out."


"Just go! We don't have much time before they find us!"

Whie ran off into the distance, but Bene stayed.

"Don't just stand there," Ahsoka said, "go follow him!"

"Ahsoka," Bene said, "I just want you to know just because someone's holding a lightsaber doesn't mean they're friendly. I saw a rogue Pau'an Temple Guard near the temple exit. There was someone else, too, but I didn't get a good chance to look at them."

"Okay," said Ahsoka, "I'll keep that in mind."

Bene nodded and ran off towards the hangar. Ahsoka continued running down the hallway until she reached a portion of the hallway that had collapsed, making a dead end. She was stuck. She had to backtrack. She ran down the hallway and to the center of the temple, where there were undoubtedly many people there who either wanted to kill her, or be saved by her. It was a risk she was willing to take.

She ran into the main chamber, but then her vision blurred and went white again, as if something was trying to keep her from knowing who was behind this attack.

Then, just before she lost her grip on the scene, she heard a voice.


It was her master's voice. 

But before she had time to see him, she had lost her grasp on the vision and everything went white.

Ahsoka woke with a gasp.

Lux moaned next to her.

"Ugh,"  he said, "not again..."

Ahsoka tried to sit up, but Lux pulled her back down again.

"Go back to bed," he said.

She tried to muster up some protest, some reason to stay awake, but in Lux's arms, she found none. So she laid back down and put her arms around him, cuddling and clinging to each other, as to desperately not let go.

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