Division 1

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"Where's this Star-Lord?" I ask while stiffly tying my hair into a ponytail. 

"He's making a deal with The Broker this afternoon, once he lands we'll make our way over there," Gamora replies.

"What's his delay? Does he even know what's in that Orb?"

"He has to drop off his latest booty call."

"Ah, so he's one of those guys. That's gonna make this easy." 

"You can't flirt the Orb out of his hand. He's a Ravager. He might follow what's between his legs but he will also follow the money trail."

"It's worth a shot. Staying incognito might be a better option than making a ruckus."

"And if you can't stay quiet?"

"Then we will do what it takes."

With a simple nod, both of us get off the ship and make our way through the Xandarian crowds. On top of one of the bridges, Quill is easy to spot as he parts from his Xandarian lover. Tapping Gamora's hand closest to me, I nod in Quill's general direction, making her look at him. She taps my hand twice, signalling what I need to do,  before she speeds ahead through the crowd. I easily follow her, keeping my head tilted downward so that I'm not easily recognized. Gamora stops on one side of the Broker's shop, so I lean against the wall on the other. 

"Is Quill in there?" I whisper while slowly laying my hand over my blade on my hip. 

She only nods in response, easily snatching a fruit from a merchant and slicing it in half. Without a second thought, she tosses me the other half and catch it, taking a bite. The sweetness on my tongue is an inviting feeling until it brings something else.

"My prince, you shouldn't have," I bite into the Xandarian pear, the sweet bitterness satisfying my craving. 

"Anything for you, darling," he says with a smirk. 

"You better keep that attitude for the next nine months." 

"I will," he says as he gently kisses my hand. "You have my word."

Quickly shaking my head, I snap out of it, eating the rest of the fruit while blocking out my head. I needed to stay vigilant, focused. After my last bite, the door to the shop quickly opens as Quill is shoved out. The two bicker for a few moments before the door slams closed. Gamora is the first thing that catches Quill's eye, so she slowly eats the fruit, eyeing him up and down. 

I would laugh if I could. 

"What happened?" I ask while tossing the fruit's skin away.

"This guy, uh, backed out of deal on me. If there's one thing I hate, it's a man without integrity." he turns more towards me. "Peter Quill, people call me Star - Lord."

"You have the bearing of a man of honor." Gamora pipes up.

"I wouldn't say that," Quill starts to ramble. 

Gamora nods at me as the Ravager begins to toss the Orb up and down in his hand. The next time he throws it upwards, Gamora grabs it and runs while I Iay my hand on his shoulder and let a shock jolt through him. As he groans and partially falls, I run after Gamora at full speed. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I see an electric rope wrap around the bottom of her legs, causing her to fall. I skid to a stop and hold my hand out, absorbing the energy from the rope but Gamora yells at me:

"No, go! I can handle myself."

Reluctantly, I start to run again. That's when I'm sandwiched to the ground by Quill and the Orb rolls out of my hands. He tries to punch my but I easily catch his hand, sending a harder shock through his body. 

"God! How are you doing that?!" 

I raise my eyebrow with a smirk and knee him where the sun don't shine, tossing him to the side of me. Before I could get back up, he elbows my face, so I punch my fist to his jaw. I take the advantage and stand up, only to see my sister being bagged by a tree. Pulling out one of my knives, I go to set her free but that's when a raccoon jumps on my shoulders, keeping me at bay. This sounds like a child's story...

I bite down on the creature's hand that got close to my mouth and throw him off the bridge. By the time I look back at Gamora, she had her knee on Quill's throat on the bottom level. That didn't last for too long, as the Ravager stuck something on her leg and she was blasted into a nearby fountain. 

Rolling my eyes, I jump down from the bridge as Quill still tosses the orb like the pompous dick he is. The tree bags him instead of Gamora this time, with the raccoon leading the way. I sigh hard, pulling out one of my batons and walking towards the duo. Gamora gets out of the pool of water and follows my lead. 

Once again, she starts hacking at the tree with her sword while I fill my metal bars with crackling energy. I open the bag with my foot, only to get shot with electricity by Quill. You sorry idiot...Quickly, I redirect the energy from the shot into my batons and knock him over the head with one, sending him into a shaking frenzy. 

"How much for the swords?" the raccoon asks me. 

Before I can speak, my body is completely frozen and suddenly I'm being pulled up from the ground. Using only my eyes, I look around and see that all of us are in the same freezing beam the Nova Corps has us trapped in. We all drop our weapons while they read us our rights and why we are being arrested. All I know is that father will not be happy about this. 


After being scanned and our criminal records read, we all are sent to the Kyln. After our little show and tell about Gamora's plan to betray Ronan, our disinfectant showers are given. Glaring at the guard who blasts me with the liquid, I spit out some that got in my mouth before walking out from the cell. 

I'm confined in the same room as Quill who had gone through the same shower. He was still in nothing but his undergarments and I couldn't help but look at him. Mind you, I was in the same situation, so the checking out was mutual. After a few seconds, we both grabbed a prison outfit off the shelves in front of us. 

The raccoon enters next, a metal spine gleaming from his back. Quickly, I braid my hair since they took my headband and hair tie away before the wash. Walking out, all of the prisoners immediately recognize Gamora and I. Insults and threats are instantly hurled at us. Both of us walk by them, completely ignoring all of them. 

Rocket, the raccoon's name as I soon found out, marks Quill as his territory with the tree's help in a rather...gross way. Once the commotion had died down, the screaming at Gamora and I continued once more. We both walk to our shared, locked cell, and let me tell you, the relief was immediate once that door was down and locked. 

Past the crowd, I spot Quill outside our cell peering in. Gamora ignores him like the rest of the poeple screaming at us, but that's okay. She's not the one he is looking at. Quill is looking at me. Trouble is, he looks at me the way my prince used to look at me. 

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