Division 3

63 1 0

I gasp as I am pinned to the grimey prison wall, a shank pointed towards my throat.

"The last time someone pinned me to a wall like this, I had the best night of my life."

"Shut it, wench!" the alien spits in my face. "Tonight is the night that you will pay for your crimes."

"More than I already have?"

This makes him suddenly stop his plan, his face contorted into a look of confusion. His pondering is my window, giving me the time I need to kick him square in the crotch. With a groan, he crumbles to the floor and I chuckle while two of his lackeys race over to restrain me. Together, they pin both my arms to the wall and keep them there tightly.

"This is not the time for games, Zara," Gamora mumbles from beside me, her captor holding a similar shank to her throat.

"Every time is a time for fun," I reply before the grimey excuse for a human has a poorly made shank pushing against my throat.

"Not everyone has powers,"

"You dare," a low voice says from the entrance to the room.

Suddenly, everyone drops their weapons and cower in fear as the figure steps into the room. As our eyes connect, my memory quickly boots up in recognition. Drax the Destroyer. I look at Gamora, her usual stone-cold killer mask on, but there is guilt in her eyes that even she can't hide.

"You know who I am, yes?" I hear him say, his voice closer to my face then it was before.

"Drax," I reply while slowly turning to look at him. "the Destroyer. I know who you are."

"Then you know why they call me this,"

"You slayed dozens of Ronan's minions,"

"And yet you were able to escape,"

"I'm nothing but a piece in his ga-"

"Ronan murdered my wife, Ovette," Drax takes a step closer to both me and Gamora. "and my daughter, Camaria."

He turns to Gamora and my heart leaps into my throat, a soft white of light coming from behind me filling the corners of my eyes.

"He slaughtered them where he stood...and he laughed!"

One of the prisoners drops his shank and cowers in Drax's presence.

"Their lives are not yours to take. He killed my family and I shall kill two of his in return."

Shaking where they stood, the other prisoners holding us hostage practically kissed his face, adorning him with their poorly made shanks to complete the kill. As two hand their weapons over, Gamora does what she does best, disarming both of them and grabbing hold of them. Both shanks now pointed towards the prisoner and Drax, I smirk at her decisiveness. But Quill comes into view, and my stomach plummets into the deep space below us.

We are doomed.

"We are no family to Ronan, or Thanos," Gamora whispers calmly.

He took away everything I loved.

"Now let my sister go,"

I look towards the head prisoner in charge as he nods his head at the other two restraining me. With a glare, both of them let me go, reluctantly stepping back as I rub my wrists from where their tight grip was. Once I walk over to Gamora's side, she drops both of her weapons.

"I'm your only hope at stopping hi-"

Suddenly, Drax loses his cool and slams Gamora back to the wall. I reach out my hand to stop the madman, but I'm restrained once again and something is injected into my veins, causing me to shake and go limp.

Drax's screaming turns to mumbles, as well as Quill's as I hear the situation escalate. I try to move, to speak, to do anything, but all I can do is stay still. People continue to talk as I am held up in the air, my body continuing to try and fight whatever toxin was poured into me. Suddenly, I'm dropped onto the floor, and the snap of my shoulder sends shooting pain up my neck and down my back.

The swaying back and forth tells me that I'm moving. The woosh of a door opening and closing tell me that either I'm safe or about to die. When I feel the prick of yet another needle, I knew this would be either life or death.

Slowly, I open my eyes. I'm not dead yet. I look around to see Gamora by my side and Quill standing by the door. Swiftly I sit up, rubbing where my shoulder was dislocated, looking for the sweet spot to slip it back into place.

"You're a moron," I say to Quill hoarsely.

"A moron who saved you!"

"It's true," Gamora says to me. "He snuck into the guards quarters and got the reversal."

"What the hell did they inject into me anyways?"

"I don't know," she says quietly, laying her one hand on the back of my shoulder. "But these people have open access to gravitational fluid and any mechanical fluid you can think of. That would do the trick."

I sigh out as Gamora shoves the joint back into place. I refuse to scream. 

"That looked nasty," Quill mumbles as he look out the window of the cell.

Gamora sighs and walks out to her cell. Quill's gaze follows her and I chortle. 

"So your thing is banging sisters, huh?"

"What?" Quill responds, turning towards me with an incredulous look on his face. "Wait, no no no. I may like my women but I like them one at a time." 

"Mhm," I lay back down on my bed and rest my hands on my stomach. "Keep telling your tale." 

The woosh of my door opening and closing tells me Quill has finally left, making me sigh in relief. Slowly, I relax all of the muscles in my face, shoulders, chest, hips, legs. Taking a deep breath, I think of him. His smile. Our daughter in his arms. Our daughter being handed off to someone I don't know. Feeling her energy leave our realm. Thanos making me watch it all as he rips me away from them. 

'Your daughter is gone.' 

No, I can't think. 

Don't think.

Don't think.

Don't think.


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