Division 4

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A/N - I'm gonna start straying from being exact to the movie since I now have my own ideas that take place (hehe, they're not good). Just a reminder to any of those that are confused by Zara's powers in this chapter, she can absorb any type of energy and remit it as any type of energy. Her goto being electricity. Hope you enjoy this chapter!

"I'll get the armband,"


With that, Gamora and Quill jump into action despite all the alarms and lights go off. Thanks to Groot's listening skills, Rocket's escape plan was now upended and we need to act fast. 

"I guess I'm with you," I say to Rocket while jumping up quickly. 

"I...am...Groot!" I hear Groot yell from behind us. 

I turn to see the tree-like organism sprouting new twigs at the small bots now surrounding him. Quickly, they start firing at him but Groot hits them away like a bat to a ball. Orders are given out to guards and prisoners over the comms as Rocket and I look at each other, sighing hard. 

"Can you get me over there?" he asks. 

"Sure thing," 

I grab onto his tiny body and weave through all of the scurried prisoners, absorbing the energy from any of the shots that hit my body. On a whim, I throw the furry thing onto the tree and hide behind him. Just as one of the bots was getting ready to shoot at me, I hold my hand out to release a shot of lightning from my palm. The bot turns into nothing but broken parts. 

"Creepy little beast!" 

Suddenly, a gun is thrown in the air and into Rocket's arms. I turn to see Drax, who had taken out some guards. Good to know he's mostly on our side. 

"You ready, Sparky?" Rocket yells over gunfire.

"Don't call me that," 

Rocket screams along with Groot as they both go ham on the guards and bots around us. I make sure to keep a perimeter around the tree. If anything got to close to him, I'd quickly turn it to ash. Once a clear path was made, we hauled ass over to the watchtower. Groot quickly turns himself into some sort of ladder which I quickly climb up and onto the bridge that leads to the tower. 

We all meet at the front doors as Rocket scurries over to the control panel. Gently, I hold my hand in front of him and take a step forward. 

"I got it,"

Focusing in on the machine, everything slows down, and all I see are numbers in front of me. I feel which numbers carry the most energy and forcefully make them stop in place. 55566655444 

"You could have told me that sooner," Rocket says as I return to reality. I only smirk in reply.

As the doors open, a scared looking guard turns towards us looking all badass and ready to kick butt. Slowly, the guard raises his hands but it's no use since Groot tosses him out anyways. Tensions quickly rise when Gamora and Drax go head to head and Rocket reveals the leg was just a joke. To add onto it, drones were now shooting at the glass and Rocket has no plan. The argument escalates again when the next wave of guards arrives.


A blast of energy escapes me, knocking out the power to the grav system outside us while we stayed glued to the ground. With a harsh sigh, I clench my jaw and look to Rocket.

"I-I didn't know your eyes did that glowy thing," Quill stutters.

"Shut up," I mumble in return. 

Rocket quickly connects more plugs to ensure that all systems stays off so we can make our escape. With the boost of the drones, we race out of there in no time, the bumps from, oh, I don't know, hitting the walls jostling us all around. After we land, I look up to see Quill bracing himself above me, my body pushed against a part of the broken glass. With a glare he quickly gets off of me and busts us out of the makeshift spaceship. 

Quill gives orders to Rocket and Groot as Gamora and I search for our stuff. I find mine, quickly pulling my long hair back into it's headband where it belongs. 

"That bastard didn't put it back,"

"Put what back?" I ask Quill while stripping quickly.

"Look just get to the Milano and keep it close by," Quill says to both Gamora and I, handing her his bag with the Orb in it. 

He runs off before both of us can stop him. As I slip my vest on, I follow after my sister as we both board the Milano and get ejected out into space. 

"Where's Quill?" Rocket asks. 

"He had to get something," I respond.

"Well do we have the Orb?" 

I look to Gamora as she frantically searches the bag only to reveal the Orb not to be in there. Quill still had it. 

"If we don't leave now, we will be blown to bits!" Rocket yells at us. 

Gamora quickly yells back at them, the two ensuing yet another argument. I choose to watch outside the window, waiting for Quill to come meet us. As if on queue, he blasts out of the prison and right onto the ship. 

"This one shows spirit!" Drax exclaims, making me grin just a touch. "He shall make a keen ally against Ronan. What were you retrieving?"

Quill simply hands him a casette recorder. 


"Heads up! We're inbound!" Rocket yells from up top.

It had taken us close to 24 hours to get to Knowhere. Some chose to sleep, others chose to build bombs. Quill and I...well...

"You say nothing about this," I say while quickly getting dressed.

"Hey, you're the one who made the first move," Quill retorts.

"I was also bored and you were available,"

"Is that what you said to Loki?"

I quickly pin him to the wall. 

"How did you know that?" 

"It's just chatter I hear from the bars! I swear!"

"Say his name again, and you'll lose that poor excuse for a di-"

"Guys!" I hear Gamora say from the entrance, a look of amusement written in her features. 

Once my hair showed no trace of Quill, I climbed the ladder up to the flight deck. Outside the window was the perfect view of Knowhere. 

"The severed head of an ancient celestial being. Be wary heading in, rodent, there are no regulations whatsoever here." Gamora explains while sitting down gracefully. 

I sit beside her, tying my hair into one uniform side braid, a few hairs straying from it. 

"You were supposed to get close to the target, not sleep with it." Gamora whispers with a smirk.

"Well I got close didn't I? Plus, he's easy on the eyes." 

Gamora raises her eyebrow.

"Trust me, this is a one time thing." I say, leaning back into the chair as we land in Knowhere.

It wasn't a one time thing. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2020 ⏰

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