Division 2

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Zara's dress is pictured above. All rights go to the designer. 

3 Years Ago...

Walking into the Asgardian banquet hall, the smell of ale and roasted meat fills my nose. The loud laughs or cheers of soldiers and warriors alike send shivers down my spine, making me smile the slightest bit. Smoothing out my lilac gown, I pass through the crowd with ease, the small strands of hair from my updo tickling my cheeks. 

"Well, what is a lovely dame like you doing all alone?" A booming voice says from behind me. I turn around, the sheer blue cape attatched to my dress tickling my arms as it catches wind. 

"I actually have a date," I reply with my best accent, turning to see Thor, the oldest of Odin's sons. Also the most pretentious. 

"Let me help you find him,"

"Thank you, but I can do that just fine on my own,"

"Let her go," I hear Loki say from beside me, snaking his arm around my waist, "she's with me."

Thor walks away thoroughly confused but it is quickly wiped away when (Y/N), one of Asgard's fiercest warriors joins his side. I let out a sharp exhale, making the God of Mischief chuckle softly. Gently, I elbow him in the ribs before I lace my arm around his, my free hand laying on his forearm. Together we walk through the guards and he gently hands me a glass of the ale before taking some for himself. We stop as Loki introduces me to his comrades like he would any other woman. Everyone seemed surprised that I was willingly with him tonight. What girl would trade him in for the dumb blonde? 

"What message has Thanos asked you to deliver tonight, darling?" he whispers in my ear, whisking me away from the prying eyes of others and to where everyone was dancing. 

"He's waiting for you to take over Asgard, then you will take over Earth." 

As he pushes me in front of him with grace, I get the full view of how he looked. His green and black suit with gold accents bringing out the same colour in his blue eyes.  A small grin forms on his face as he notices me staring, making me clear my throat and look at the crowd. 

"Joutenheim threatens Asgard as we speak. It will be easy to dispose of my brother and follow your father's plan."


His cold hands lay just above my hips as he pulls me close to his body, the sudden movement sending goosebumps on my exposed skin. Slowly, one of his hands moves towards the small of my back as the other guides it up into the air as we dance slowly to the music playing. We twirl around the floor, both of us tuning out our surroundings. It only lasts for a moment, as I feel eyes trailing on us. 

"We are being watched, my prince," I whisper softly. 

With a soft nod, he pulls away but still keeps our hands intertwined. He bids goodnight to his mother, before taking me up a long staircase leading to the upper rooms of the palace. At the very top, he opens a set of doors to his room. Books line the walls, a bed centered on the far right wall, and an unbelievably soft carpet fills the tiny space. The real centerpiece of the room is his balcony, covered in pillows and blankets cascading over the gorgeous view of Asgard. 

"You were supposed to take me back to the BiFrost so I could return to Thanos..." I remind as my eyes are glued to the view of the kingdom.

"That was the plan until I saw those."

Gently, I feel one of his hands touch the fresh scars Thanos had left on me, covered by my sister's makeup. My shoulder jolts at the action, causing Loki to pull away his hand. However, the rest of him still stays close to me. With a shuddered breath, I force myself into silence, my eyes still glued to the outdoors. That's when a voice whispers to me from behind:

"Stay...help me take over Asgard. We could be unstoppable. And I would protect you from your Father,"

"It's an impossible dream," 

Quickly, I walk towards his door without making eye contact but a clone stops me. 

"Have a little faith,"

"Faith only ends in pain, Loki. This affair must end," I reply with urgency, keeping my eyes turned away from his, knowing my weakness to them. 

"Does it have too?"

Suddenly, I feel a real hand gently rub my opposite shoulder from behind me as the clone disappears from my view. My barriers crumble as he takes my hair down, his gentle touch taking away all the pain from my wounds.

"It's not impossible, darling,"

I slowly turn around and look up at him. His blue eyes glow even brighter in contrast to the moonlight in his room. With a soft sigh, I look away once more. 

"My father is more powerful then you, Loki, we both know this."

"He has you entranced, Zara. Situated into a bubble of fear."

"Fear-based on realistic experience!" I whisper yell, taking a step away from him as my head shakes. "You have more purpose to Thanos, and you will fulfill it..." 

I grab the communicator out from a holster on my leg under all the skirts. Before I could click anything, the object is smacked from my hand and I'm pinned to the wall by him. 

"I will fulfill my purpose to Thanos, only in trade of you."

My breath hitches in my throat at his persistence. Before I can respond, his lips are on mine, trying to make me believe in his words with each movement. I give in, kissing him back with the same vigour. Without a thought, my arms are around his neck and his on my waist. In a matter of moments, I was hoisted up against the wall with my legs around his waist. Our clothes lay barren on the floor.

The rest of the night was a perfect dream.


Sleep fades as my eyes flutter open, revealing the beautiful sight in front of me. Not the view out the balcony, but the view of Loki sleeping peacefully, nothing but a loose sheet covering his bare body. 

I reach out, tucking a stray piece of black hair behind his ear. His lips lazily touch my wrist, giving it a light kiss making me smile softly. 

"Morning, darling," he mumbles sleepily.


I get out of bed and put my dress back on, trying to hide all of the marks of last night that were trailed from my neck downwards. 

"We need a cover up for my disappearance or my father will ask questions,"

"Just say that I needed a further explanation of the plan," 

Out of the corner of my eye, I see him shirtless and putting on a pair of pants, making me bite my lip a little. 

"Well, there wasn't much explaining going on,"

"You're lucky no one else is on this floor."

With the shake of my head, I grab my communicator and call a ship to the nearest jump point from the Bifrost. Loki kisses my shoulder softly, running both hands from my shoulders down. 

"I will gain your hand from Thanos, and you will rule over Asgard and Earth with me."

I take a deep breath and whisper.

"I have faith," 

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