Chapter 6

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Harleigh's POV

School was finally over, and I was beyond ready to go home. 

Not only am I tired and annoyed, but I was also starving. I hadn't ate breakfast this morning and I definitely did not eat the lunch food.  Our food at school was the definition of absolute trash, that can make you sick just by looking at it. 

I was glad that Jared had offered to take Brynn home, because all I wanted was to go straight home, and that's what I did. 

Pulling into my driveway I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder as I got out of the car. 

I made my way up to my front door, opening it and walking in. As I closed the door behind me I placed my bag next to my shoes that I had taken off and walked my way to the kitchen. 

Walking over to the fridge I opened it and started to rummage through for something to eat.

Getting excited I quickly grabbed my favorite thing to eat, vanilla pudding. I know it sound very weird but this stuff is delicious. 

Grabbing the bowl my mom had made just for me, I grabbed a spoon from the drawer and started to eat the pudding as I leaned against the counter's. 

My mom walked into the kitchen stopping short as she raised a eyebrow at me. 

" What?" I questioned with a mouthful. 

She laughed throwing the stack of mail down on the counter behind me. 

" You are one strange child." 

" Precisely." 

She shook her head leaning against the counter across from me. 

" How was your first day of school?" 

Setting the bowl down I crossed my arms over my chest. 

" Tiring, and irritating but okay." I answered honestly. 

" What happened?"

" Teacher's, student, in particular the freshman. They were being loud, and annoying. Then the school already reeked of weed. The first day and you can already smell our school from a mile away." I exclaimed. 

My mom sighed a quick chuckle before me towards me and pulling me into a hug. 

I sighed. 

My mom's hugs always helped me calm down and relax. 

I never knew why, but they did. 

She pulled away and cupped my face. 

" You only have one more year after this one. Enjoy it." 

I shook my head as she backed away. 

Looking around my kitchen I noticed the lack of rowdiness. 

" Where's Coop?" 

" He is at tryouts for the soccer team."

" Soccer?" I questioned. 

" Yeah. I guess he wanted to try it out. But I'm not objecting, it gets him away from those damn videos games. " 

I shook my head agreement. 

Grabbing my bowl again I went to head to my room, but turned around instantly remembering the party.

" Hey mom. So there's this party tonight for back to school. You think I could go?" 

She looked up from her phone. 

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