Chapter 5: The Chase

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  After you and Toph join the group, you make flight further from the town you were just in and into the woods to set up camp.

  Everyone dismounts Appa to set up the camp.

Toph: Hey, you guys picked a great camp sight, the grass is so soft.

Sokka: That's not grass, Appa's shedding.

Y/N: Well his fur does make a good camp sight, I could just sleep on this.

  You say as you jump down into it.

Katara: Aw gross.

Aang: Its not gross, it's just apart of spring. You know, rebirth, flowers blooming, and Appa gets a new coat.

Katara: Aw yes, the beauty of spring.

  Appa gets fur in his mouth and sneezes a powerful sneeze which erupts the patch of fur on the ground.

  Much to Katara's dismay. 

Katara: Ew gross Appa stop!

Sokka: Its not that bad Katara, it makes a great wig.

  Sokka says as he presents a wig he makes out of Appa's fur.

Aang: And a great beard.

  Aang rocking a stylish Appa beard.

Katara: I'm just glad we have another girl in the group because you two are disgusting.

Toph: Excuse me does anyone have a razor, because I got some hairy pits.

  Toph shows Appas furr stuffed hunter her arms.

  The three laugh it off as you stand next to Katara chuckling a bit with your hands behind your back.

Katara: Well at least your not joining in on this.

Y/N: Of course, but hey Katara you got something on your face.

  Before she could question, she was hit with a ball of Appa's furr in the face.

Y/N: HA! That was more like a fur bomb then a fur ball.

  You laugh to yourself until you're hit in the face with one as well.

  You look over to see Sokka whistling suspiciously like he did nothing wrong.

Y/N: Okay Boomerang boy, let's do this.

  You and Sokka laugh as you throw fur balls at each other as Toph and Aang join in.

  Katara can't help but laugh at the fun you guys were having.

  *Later that Night*

  Night began to fall as the group was gathering supplies for the camp sight. Aang set up the tent, Sokka got fire wood, and Katara was on water duty, of course. You were off in the woods hunting for any kind of food you could find.

  Toph on the other hand was off to herself. Katara saw this and decided to go talk with her.

Katara: So Toph, usually when setting up camp we try to divide up the work.

Toph: Hey, don't worry about me. I'm good to go.

Katara: Well, actually what I'm trying to say is, some of us may fetch water while other set up the fire pit or put up the tent.

  Momo flies in and drops nuts that he found into Katara's hands.

Katara: Even Momo does his fair share.

Toph: Katara I'm fine, I can carry my own weight. I don't  need a fire, I've already collected my own food, and look.

  Toph earth bends a tent over herself. 

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