If only...

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The next Chapter is up

Thanks for lending me Angel

Last night had been a close call, she could have lost her double life. This part of her which was so secret and so important to her. For it allowed her to get the extra money to send to Jamie, and live the life she wanted.

What would she have done if she had met him there? What in the world would she have said? She pondered as she sat at her desk looking over merch shipments for HIM and other bands. 

She tried to shake her thoughts away from what could have happened. She just needed to be careful. As she always had been. She heard a knock on the door and almost screamed as she saw Ville walking in. She thanked the gods he was too busy on his mobile to have noticed. She needed to stop being so jumpy around him.

 She needed to stop being so jumpy around him

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"Good morning Mr. Valo, as I sent your manager the paperwork and the merch is set up for the concert what may I help you with today?" she said as curtly and nicely as possible. She had been trying to add warmth to her cold attitude, it's not as if it was his fault that she had so many issues.

"I was thinking the only way we are going to be able to work is if we bond outside this office so I have taken the liberty of reserving a spot for us at a local restaurant. As I am not one to waste money or time uselessly I will wait for you outside no excuses," he said his tone firm and stern.

Rei sat there agape, she was not one to be bossed around, yet his demanding and rough tone strangely set her soul on fire. 


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"I...erm...I will check my calendar" she said. 

"Of course, you wouldn't want to miss your evening rendezvous at the Crystal Show Club would you Ms. London?" he said making her face go white. 

"I....why I do not frequent such places," she said defensively. "Really? then why did I see you walking hurriedly away from it last night at closing time?" he said

She felt affronted but scared so he spotted her, and she had not noticed, "I well...I was there on orders from the music firm to try and find a girl who would be willing to be a dancer for COB new music video" she said. 

"Really? As I am friends with Alexi Laiho from that band and know that his girl Angel works there I would think she could do that for him," he said smugly making her more nervous. 

"Now I know that what you do with your life outside this office is none of my business but, I value honesty with my co-workers so I hope that this secrecy does not extend to our professional relationship Ms. London," he said his eyes suspicious as they searched her face.

"Of course not! and I am being truthful as for the details that only concern Mr. Lahio his band and me. It is the same way with your business it is strictly between us" she added hurriedly.

Ville grinned "Fair enough...still the restaurant awaits shall we go?" he said. 

Rei scoffed why was he so charming and persistent? 

"Very well, Mr. Valo, if you would give me a few minutes," she said and he nodded.  

"Please call me Ville, I hate your formal tone when we talk it makes us so....distant" he added, making her shiver.

This was going to be a long night indeed. Rei hoped that Angel could save her, but all hopes were dashed when she got a text telling her that Alexi had asked Angel on a date and that 'no way in hell was she going to miss it

"It seems you win Mr. Valo, as I am without a ride tonight...I am all yours" Rei commented.

Ville walked towards her his aura setting hers on flames as he leaned towards her making her lean against the wall. 

"If only that was true...." he said whispering in her ear. 

"If only I knew more," he said looking into her eyes. 

" But you, I admit drive me crazy, darling" he added, making her shiver, as he pulled back and walked towards the door leaving her blushing like a schoolgirl. He smelled like ocean and pine trees.

Thanks if you are here!

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