Drunk on Shadows of You

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Thanks for lending me, Angel.


Rei knew she could not approach Angel right now. Alexi did not know that she was both Onyx and Rei. Still, she needed to know what had happened and why had Ville's body language shown so much anger as he had left. It was unavoidable she would have to risk a visit to Angel's tattoo shop tomorrow.

Angel's tattoo shop was unique all in itself it was dark, with roaring metal music and all sorts of macabre decor. It was called Grimm and Bear. Rei giggled the first time she had seen it Grimm was Angel's last german name. God did they have a unique sense of humor. Rei walked in quietly and smiled as she saw Alexi trying to bite Angel's neck while she tattooed him. "Wild baby stop that you're going to mess it up!" Angel said between a frown and a giggle. It seemed he was tattooing her name as she clearly saw a Gothic style A on his chest by his heart.

Rei had an important meeting with a PR from the public image label for HIM and the place where she was to meet with the agent and Ville required less formal wear so for the first time in a long time she had decided to wear her plaid skirt. Unfortunately, this got caught in a hook where Alexi's shirt was hanging as she passed by, she had decided to wait at the lobby to give them privacy but now.

 Unfortunately, this got caught in a hook where Alexi's shirt was hanging as she passed by, she had decided to wait at the lobby to give them privacy but now

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"I see London I see France I see someone's underpants," Alexi said as he looked at Rei. Her face was redder than Angel's hair. Angel couldn't help but laugh out loud, almost messing up the G she was putting next to the A he had requested. Rei was shocked how the hell did her know her name, she had never personally dealt with him at the firm, and for her that was safer, seeing as to how he was dating her friend, and this could spell trouble for her situation.

"Hello their miss strange underpants," Angel said making Alexi laugh even more making Rei's face flush even more as she tried to regain some decency and fix her skirt.

Why on earth had she opted to wear her Emily the strange underwear today or this get-up? It was bordering on unprofessional. Yet, she knew she chose hoping Ville was not truly upset, as he had never seen her in anything but dress pants and a suit for work.

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