Hesitation and Longing

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Thank you for being here next chapter :D

"Are you kidding me!" Angel said as she talked with Rei over the phone "Please understand it was for the best, and I am paying it off to Kirill by doing the last show in the Sapphire in Las Vegas, I can't live like this anymore. I want what is best for Jamie, and now Ville is here in my life and I have never been so in love" Rei added.

 I want what is best for Jamie, and now Ville is here in my life and I have never been so in love" Rei added

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Sapphire Club

"I still think you are doing the wrong thing, for you, but if this is what you want, I will support you," Angel said over the phone. "I gotta go, got two clients coming in to get huge tats and then dinner with Alexi, see you well, see you later," Angel said hanging up, she just hoped Rei knew what she was doing.

At the firm Rei felt more relaxed, even though she was melancholic at having to leave what she loved the most, she was doing it to protect whom she loved the most Jamie and Ville. Ville did not show up that day, he had pending appointments and she secretly thanked the gods, she was still processing this.

"I will soon be able to put more hours into the office," Rei said, to a happy Nikolas "I am glad we need you here and you should not be overworking yourself with that late-night laundromat job," Nikolas said. "It was necessary but I am ok now," Rei said hating how all of her lies were weaved by her own design. It was so stressful to keep her aliases together.

As promised that night Ville had arranged for her to visit his parents for the first time. Lady Anita and Sir Kari were wonderful people and caring parents. She even got the chance to meet Jesse Ville's younger brother over a video call as he was participating in a Muay Thay kickboxing tournament.

"We are happy to see our boy smiling again," Kari said "I am happy to be the reason he smiles like he makes me smile," Rei said. Lady Anita and Sir Kari could not wait to see her again and Sir Kari asked her to come by his shop if she ever needed to get anything for Ville, which made Ville giggle and blush along with Rei, she had found out that he owned a fetish adult shop, and just the thought of using those devices on Ville or vice-versa made her almost faint.

 Lady Anita and Sir Kari could not wait to see her again and Sir Kari asked her to come by his shop if she ever needed to get anything for Ville, which made Ville giggle and blush along with Rei, she had found out that he owned a fetish adult shop...

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"I am so glad you finally met them, love," Ville said caressing her cheek. "They are amazing people and parents, and I can see you in them, I am glad to have met them too," Rei said. Ville sighed then said, "I made reservations for a movie night and dinner" Ville added. "I am yours," Rei said making him blush as he kissed her chastely and they strolled hand in hand to the location as it was not far.

As always anything she did with Ville was magical even if it was just holding hands. He was magical and sometimes she was afraid he would fade into stardust. His beautiful smile and glittering green eyes were her foundation and rock, he was everything she needed, and he was with her. 

 When her sweet Ville finally departed with her soul in his hands Rei called Angel. "So how are you?" Angel said "I am happy, happier than I ever have been" Rei added. "His parents were just as amazing as him and they seemed to approve," she said not being able to hold back a smile. "Good, you deserve some happiness, how are you in regards to Onyx?" Angel said still worried.

"It's strange not to be thinking of what I will be dancing to in my next performance and knowing that I have one more show to go. Anyway, ...it will take the time that is all I can say, also I have a meeting with my family soon online, to see if we can come to an agreement. They have begun to trust me more, so I might get to talk to Jamie soon," Rei said nervously pondering why everything was going so well.

"That is great to hear!" Angel said genuinely happy for her friend. "I hope the brat is grateful for all you do for him" Angel added. "Angel...." Rei retorted "I know I know I just he better see your worth, he better love you as much as I do, and we are not even blood bound" Angel added, "I hope so too," Rei said.

The day of the show was getting closer and she had to catch up on leaving as much work done as possible in her other job, she also had to prepare for the first time she would talk to Jamie online since such a long time ago. Rei's nerves were on end and she asked Ville to please bear with her as she was worried about things she had to take care of at the firm. Ville being a gentleman offered his help and support asking her to keep in touch and not fall under pressure.

"I will survive," Rei said smiling at him "Good I won't have my woman passing out or clocking out before she can move in with me and start our lives together," Ville said pulling her up from her desk to kiss her with passion. Ville had been asking her for a few days now, saying he hated parting with her at night and wanted to be close to her. Rei hated to keep putting it off and asking for more time, she just wanted to get the show over with before letting go and starting this new phase of her life.

"We will just give me some more time," Rei said breathlessly after his kiss "Just don't make me wait forever, I want you in my life, in my bed, every night for the rest of my life" Ville said making her heart flutter. She did not want this happiness to end...and she could not shake off a feeling that something could go wrong...


thank you for lending me Angel

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