the lonely soul of the puppet [oneshot]

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You'll know why I named this one shot with that name in like the later part of this oneshot.

-3rd person PoV-
     It was a nice day. Every hermit is happy as usual. Well, not all of them. As one certain hermit can't really felt their positive emotions.

     Let's just move on. The pranks that have been pulled is going to be a civil war, as Scar investigate and think. He is at the woodland mansion with Cub, to found a new potion recipe, the both are fully aware of the prank war that will came, so Cub decided to find a new potion to sell for both teams.

     The two was searching through the mansion, as one book caught Scar's eye. It is very thick, and seems so old, yet very new. He grab it, and cleared the thin layer of dust that covered it. He is yet, very confused, as the Evoker has not teach him galactic, and the book as far as Scar has seen, is completely writen in galactic.

     "What's that?" Cub asked as he appeared beside Scar, with a bunch of books, potion books to be exact.

     "I don't know. It's galactic," Scar responsed, as ge kept flipping the pages. Then he came to the last page. His eyes caught a pharagraph of four, a poem.

"Ο πόλεμος θα τελειώσει, καθώς κερδίζουν οι σύμμαχοι, Αλλά δυστυχώς θα είναι καλό, σε αυτόν φαίνεται, Τα μυστικά κρύβονται, καθώς η ειρήνη έχει υπηρετήσει τελικά, Η μοναχική ψυχή θα χαμογελά επιτέλους ευτυχώς," (Yes, I am making you curious by using greek instead of galactic. Cuz I know some of you knew galactic, and I want this to be mysterious. Dw, I'll put the translated part at the very bottom. And as a plus, I don't have galactic alphabeth in my phone)  Scar muttered, loud enough so Cub can hear him,

     "That sounded like a prophecy," Cub commented,

     "I agree. Tho it seems it don't have anything to do with Hermitcraft," Scar said, closing the book,

     "I think there will be a possibility it is about Hermitcraft. I mean, the prophercy is talking about a war, there might've been a war coming. It can be a prophecy about the war that is coming!" Cub commented,

     "Oh yeah, you're right," Scar said, "I think I'll just brought this with me," he said, dumping the book at his bag. The two then leaved the mansion, walking towards the shopping district.

-time skip, after the war. Grian 3rd person PoV-
     G team has won. Yet I still can't feel any positive emotion. I faked cheered as the others happily jumping around, celebrating, and such.

     The brit sighed as he fly towards my blender base. Grian sat at his personal room, and hugged my knees. He  remembered the supposed "prophecy" Cub and Scar told him, as they sells some informations to the G team.

     His mind is racing miles per hour as he though who the certain person in the prophecy is. He could only think it was himself, but for then, nothing about the war ended seems to be better to him.

     He sighed yet again, as then his vommunicator buzzed. He picked it up, and sees Mumbo's plan to invited Iskall to the Architechs. He quickly typed that he'll handle that, and put his communicator away.

-a few weeks later. Normal 3rd person PoV-
     Iskall sat anxiously, as he and Mumbo waited for Grian. It isn't like the little gremlin, as he never late for a meeting, especially when it is an important one.

     Soon, Grian arrived, he is panting heavily as he sat at his throne (seat). The little gremlin just smiled as he then meet his friends' gaze,

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