boiling hot (Tango) [oneshot] {gorey-angst}

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This is not like gorey, uhhh with blood??? IDK, it's just not that type of gore. I don't even know if this consider gore, TBH. But anyway.... this is based on my experience when I was at 3rd grade. Enjoy :)

3rd person PoV
     Tango stepped out of the nether portal, as he then greeted by the hot and firey nether. He looked around, trying to find a certain something, a strider (don't ask why).

     He then smiled happily as he sees one, in a middle of a lava lake. He quickly jumped into the lava lake, before he realized..... that he haven't drank his fire res potion.... and that Xisuma says that death are currently permanent, before he could fix the broken code.

     Tango immedaetely swimmed back to the land as he plummed to the lava lake. Fire and heat consumed him, as he got out of the lava lake, and open his inventory, trying to find a fire res potion, just to find out he didn't bring any.

     Tango quickly go into the nether portal. Leaving the nether was a very much bad decision for him apparently. As soon as he came to the over world, and stepped out of the portal, he is in extreme pain.

     His skin feels like peeling out of heat. He is trembeling in coldness of the overworld's breeze that is very much like an ice biome compared to the nether's heat. It feels like someone poured a bucket of lava at him without fire res, and then put him in the north pole sea.

     Luckly, Impulse came and see Tango. The gold blonded hermit curled into a ball, at his knees, trying to make the cold stop, and his skin stop peeling out naturally because of the heat.

     Impulse immedaetely scooped the gold blonded hermit, and carry him to his base, to take a fire res potion, because he don't know where he coukd find one.

     As soon as Impulse find the potion, he force it down to Tango's throat. The firey heat sensation gone, tho Tango still on fire a little bit. Impulse immedately get his normal water (as in like, not sea water, ya'll know, like ground water?), and hurryly go to Tango again, who is absolutely pained.

     Impulse opened Tango's clothes, until all he has on is some underpants, and an undershirt. He then poured the cold water slowly, around 10-15 minutes. He then put some new dry clothes to Tango, and scooped him again, heading towards the main hub portal.

     Impulse and Tango transported to the main hub, and immedaetely go towards a hospital's emergency room. The nurses and doctors put Tango on top of a moveable bed, and push him to a room.

     A ticklish and cold liquid poured on top of Tango's burning skin. Tango just look at the nurses and doctors as they treated him.

     The doctor grabbed a scissor, and starting to cut Tango's skin that peeled out naturally. He then poured some more of the ticklish liquid.

     Tango just lay there, in pain. As Impulse grabbed his hand, forming a forced smile as Tango turned to face him. The doctors scrubbed some lotion to Tango's burned spots, as then they bandaged it wholely.

     Tango and Impulse are now can go. The doctors said that Tango will have to recover around 3 weeks, befire he could work like normal again. And for 1 and a half week, he is forbitten to walk around, so the doctors said that he will have to have someone to take care of him. Every 3 days, he would have to see the doctors.

     Weeks went by, and things gone normal now. Impulse and Zed who heard the accident, take care of Tango, as the gold blonded can't even do anything at the first two weeks.

     It all have been normal once again, and the ZIT united for ever, even tho this oneshot is supposed to be Tango centered, but I don't care. Also, why am I narating?? Isn't it supposed to be a 3rd person PoV??? What ever, ZIT for life! :)

I know, I'm sorry for carry on narating when it was supposed to be 3rd person PoV.

But anyway. Yes, the accident that I discribed at this oneshot, is my own experience, when I slipped over a ceramic tile, and ended up pouring hot boiling water to my self.

It isn't really like this story, because I can't really recall of what heppend. I mean, I'm now at 8th grade, this accident happends on 3rd grade. Tho, I still quite remember.

I just feel like sharing this accident story, because lately I've had nightmare about it, and I need to let it free. Just that. Sorry this oneshot is short. Have a great time, and keep smiling!

Bye peeps, I'mma head out

8th of September 2020

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