Father, Son Bonding time

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(A/n): "hey guys here's chapter 4 hope you guys enjoy!!" >~<

*time Skip: 2 weeks after the ball; Location: Island of patch; (y/n)'s Room*

(Y/n)'s POV

It's been a couple of weeks since the Schnee Ball and in those two weeks the Schnee family is being slowly redeemed, the faunas at first were quite hesitant I couldn't blame them years of hate and scorn don't just go away in 2 weeks but the progress maybe slow but still there is progress. Jaques has started treating faunas with respect and more or less equality he started giving his faunas workers the proper gear and all sorts of insurance incase an accident happen, this snall but sincere act has made faunas near and far to consider forgiving Jaques. Or so the news say...

(Y/n): "well It's a start" I said while reading the international news on my scroll

???: "(y/n) keep it down I'm trying to sleep" a feminine voice said, quickly I snapped my head towards my sheet which weirdly have a lump 'strange' I thought to my self  as I lifted the sheets

(Y/n): "WEISS!!" I yelled in shock as watch a sleeping Weiss groggily get up and tiredly look me in the eyes, of course I jumped out of the bed
(Y/n): "Weiss what are you doing in my bed? Aren't you supposed to be sleeping in Ruby's room?" I asked, she slightly got up her shirt which was to big for her size slid off, of her shoulder. She was so beautiful I swear there was steam coming out of my ears

Weiss: "(y/n)?" She asked before looking at the clock which showed the time being 5:00 in the morning, she groaned
Weiss: "Come on let's sleep some more" she said as she pulled me into the bed, she then proceeded to wrap her arms around me encasing me in a tight hug as she pulled the covers over us.

(Y/n): "We...Weiss s...stop we... we shouldn't" I protested but she replied by only hugging me tighter, as time passed I soon surrendered to her warm embrace slowly drifting back to sleep....

A lot of thing happened these past weeks, after my hearty talk with Jaques he proceeded to invite my family for a talk where he informed both families of what I did for the schnee family, safe to say my family were quite proud of me, there was also a hint of surprise since I am a 11 year old boy and I'm already capable of giving such mature advice. Safe to say after that the Schnees took us for a tour around atlas, as you would have expected our two families grew quite close, so close in fact that Whitley started calling me brother, Jaques and Willow on the other hand started calling me son-in-law. I had a vague Idea why they started calling me Son but I have no idea what 'in law' mean, I also have no Idea why Weiss turns into a steaming tomato each time her family call me that.

There would be times where me and my sister would go to atlas on the weekends and spend our time on the schnee manor getting to know the Snow family. Other time it would be reversed being Weiss and her sibling will be the ones visiting patch, safe to say Weiss and Ruby became good friends seeing that they're both 'younger sisters', Yang and Winter we're to say the least complicated, they both take their Jobs as the 'big Sisters' very seriously and they like to challenge one another from time to time.

Me and Whitley though, we were like actual brothers since I was older and cooler he started viewing me as that one cool cousin in a family gathering. So yeah we were chill no pun intended, we usually read books and play together and let me tell you Whitley is terrifyingly smart all the books I've seen him read are all both Quantum Physics and theories, Advanced Science, Aeronautics, and Atlas Basics on Technology. I wouldn't say I'm smart but I am proud to say that I understand most of these books he's been reading and I am able to give him better insights on some of the subjects too, to be honest these subjects piqued my interest too, there were a few strategy books and record from the great war in Whitley's pile too.

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