(Vol. 1) Blackmail

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AN: howdy guys, Now I know you may be asking. What's up with the sudden lemon in the last chapter? (I mostly blame my BETA readers aka my friends. They kept saying that some 'smut' would be good XD) "Now, now hear me out" the answer to that is no matter how well you try to deny it 14 year old boys are Horny as F (Don't deny It!) we've all been there. Also Vol 1 will be focusing on character building and mundane 'Teen' Stuff, With the occasional excitement here and there so yeah trust me. (Btw When I mean Excitement I mean combat and mission and stuff.)

Also the way I write stories is weird, like I come up with a plot....Right? I have a point A and point B but scenes, dialogue, everything in between I just pull out of my ass. Srly tho It's weird........but hey It's effective..... XD

Anyways with that all said and done let's get it on with the chapter.

========== Vol 1: Blackmail ============

(Time skip- 1 year, Location: Island of Patch; Rose-Xiao-long family Cabin. Age: (Y/n) 15, Ruby 15, Yang 17)

(Y/n)'s POV

It's been a year since that night with Quill......and I'm both proud and ashamed to say that in one year I've learned how to please a woman in more ways that one (wink, wink), to say I'm good would be an understatement, Quill even said that She'd rather wait a month for one quality session than get her fix on any other guy. My relationship with Quill.... is .....well....... The best word I can describe it as is 'Fuck buddies' she and Uncle Qrow made up and now she occasionally pop up in the house to 'Visit' the family when in truth she's just there to 'Visit' me in particular. There'd been multiple instances where we almost got caught, like one time when Ruby suddenly wanted to sleep together since she had a nightmare, now you may be thinking 'what's wrong about that?'......well.....me and Quill just finished a Long session and my room reeked of sex. Ruby even commented on that and of course I managed to lie to her although something she said did make me curious.


Ruby: "Hey brother?, can we sleep together? I kind of had a nightmare" She asked behind the door

(Y/n): "Sure Ruby, come on in" I said forgetting what transpired just moments ago

Ruby: "Tha- what's that smell?" She asked sniffing the air which made me tense up

(Y/n): "Um.....I don' know sis I don't smell anything....." I said trying not to show my panic

Ruby: "Strange......I've smelled this before on Mom and Dad's room" she said but she seemed to shrug it off as she jumped on my bed while she buried her face in my chest while she also wrap her arms around my back

(Y/n): "Woah there sis easy you're gonna crush me" I said trying to pry her off,

Ruby: "No!" She said flatly

(Y/n): "Why?" I asked quizzically

Ruby: "Because If I let go you might leave" she said

(Y/n): *sigh* is this part of you're nightmare?" I asked to which she nodded "don't worry sis I won't go anywhere" I said patting her head once again she buries her head on my chest her hug growing tighter

Ruby: "Promise?"

(Y/n): "Promise."

(A/N): "préfiguration"

(Y/n): "Huh?"

Ruby: "Huh?"

(Y/n): "I thought you said something"

Ruby: "Oh.....by the way Brother....... Why do you smell like a woman?" She said as she glared at me her eyes shone a brilliant silver.

(Y/n): "I.....ummm.....umm...I...I" I tried desperately to come up with an excuse

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