(Vol. 1) One Exciting walk through the Forest

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AN: "hey, I've taken a break from tsushima. I've deemed playing too much to be bad for my health, I know crazy right XD

anyways since I have nothing else to do I MIGHT release a few chapters in quick succession>~<

Also I would like to ask...what it's called again when the audience knows something in the story that the characters do not? I swear it was called something.......

My mind's mush due to quarantine XD

I tried reading actual books, like physical ones and I've only enjoyed like two or tree out of the hundreds of books in my family library XD

Anyways Enjoy.....


||||||||||||// Vol 1. One Exciting Walk Through The Forest \\|||||||||||||||

(Y/n)'s POV
I opened my eyes ready to meet the day only to be met by darkness.... *sigh* ....I'm in the abyss again. Ever since I've turned 15 the dreams were getting worse, the dreams have been occurring more often and to make it worse each dream was even more realistic than the last.

Right now I was walking aimlessly in the abyss......again......I swear this is the 1000th time I've walked in this never eternal darkness. As I walked through the never ending darkness the ground...no the entire scenery slowly started changing. Suddenly grass slowly appeared, as I continued walking towards this direction the sky slowly formed. I hesitated for a bit but eventually curiosity got the best of me so I pushed on.

I continued walking on the grassy field until something caught my attention.....flowers?.....more like a field of flowers......Roses?.....this is the first time I've seen something like this but right now I was standing in the middle of a patch of Roses, black and gold a few hints of red and white too. It was beautiful it was like the night sky filled with twinkling stars, I wanted to stay longer but a cabin in the distance caught my attention so I made my way to it.

As I reached the cabin a giant tree was planted in the cabin's backyard, the tree though was strange......'a tree that has white leaves that's a first' i thought, finding my self to be awestruck by the tree's beauty. I tried to move but I could not it was like I was entranced by the tree's calming aura and it's faint white glow, I then heard laughter coming from the tree or more specifically below it. The laughter belonged to a man and a woman as I snapped my head to where the voices were coming from and was surprised to what I saw.

A man with black hair and red tips and red eyes and a woman with white hair and silver eyes. "Who are you?" I asked. The man and the woman then Looked at me and smiled as if I just made their day, I felt weird....I felt a hint of familiarity with these two people and yet I have no clue who they were. I tried to reach them, I tried to take a step but when I did The ground before me disappeared sending me plummeting down the abyss, the sudden pull of gravity caused me to scream then.........I woke up.....
I jolted up awakened by my night terrors...."What the hell was that?" I thought while gasping for air, I just woke up in cold sweat having a hard time breathing. What. The. Hell. .......my little nightmare has not gone unnoticed though upon looking at my right I saw Ruby staring at me with concern in her eyes

Ruby: "Another nightmare?" She asked with a concern look before blushing, 'I wonder why?'

(Y/n): "Y...Yeah" I replied tired, I then notice Ruby shifting and fidgeting like a child caught red handed

(Y/n): "What is it?" I asked. She then pointed below me, I followed her finger and looked at the direction she was pointing and I instantly turned into a blushing mess.

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